The Beginning or The End?

Last week I made a video that I didn’t share. It’s called,

The Beginning and The End: An Introduction for Making Sense of God and Money’.
You can watch it on Rumble Here.
And, if you just want to skim the content, you can Download the PowerPoint slides here.

I didn’t share it because:

1,  The ‘word on the street’ is that people only want 15-20 minute messages because they’re experiencing information over load – the video is just over an hour.

Fair enough. I’ve invested hundreds of hours in recent months seeking answers and know there’s plenty of great resources to take in.

How do you determine what information you take in?

2.  I’ve had so many conversations recently with people about what to do about all the horrible things the enemy is doing, and how we need to look at the FACTS to see what’s coming and plan accordingly.

Fair enough, but my bible says that we ‘walk by faith, not by sight’… so…??

3.  I had a ‘vacation’ from my day-to-day, to be full-time mom to my 25 year old married daughter who has just moved to a new city, will be teaching Kindergarten at a new school, and her husband will be returning to university after a couple years of working so we were enjoying planning for this new chapter in their life!

Here is where God gave me the inspiration for the introduction and summary for the video:
New Beginnings…

They are exciting…

They bring hope for good things to come…

So, why is it so difficult for many people to hope for an exciting future?

The beginning of the video asks an important question that I believe will help answer that question:
How do we know what we know?
The answer to this question impacts what information we take in and how we process it to make decisions that impact every area of our life, and ultimately the lives of others around us for generations!

Maybe starting kindergarten isn’t something a child chooses to do, but somewhere in the history of our culture, someone decided that starting school at age 4 or 5 is what we do.

Personally, I have always been a seeker of knowledge, and I’m interested in many things.

Knowledge fuels understanding.

Understanding will expand the operation of wisdom in your life.

Wisdom helps unlock creativity.

Creativity is a function of the Spirit of God within you.

Creativity expands ideas and opportunities through visions.

Visions inspire hope.

Which leads us to another question?

Where does your hope come from?

IF it comes from what you can see, or think you can see, then what is that saying about faith, which is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1).

Not long ago, I felt like I had lost hope. It seemed that anything and everything I hoped for ended in disappointment and discouragement.

Instead of giving in to the despair banging on my door, I cried out from the bottom of my heart for answers to some of the most perplexing, and persistent questions in my life!

Instead of seeking knowledge so I could ‘be like God to discern the direction I should go to experience good and not evil in my life’, I asked for was a greater revelation of who He is; who Jesus is; and who am I to Him?

I determined to take God at His word, and that I would only look for good. In doing so, I quickly learned to spot evil in ways I never could have anticipated!

I don’t like scary movies so this has turned out to be one of the most gut wrenching years of my life … as God’s goodness grew, the counterfeit evil was highlighted in disgusting, mind-boggling, horrible ways – everywhere 🙁

That’s not the point though!

God promises that even when faced with death, there is hope for more than we can even ask or imagine!

The easy part is making the decision to believe that who He says, He is, He is.

The hard part is being willing to look past reality, past history, past tradition, and past everything and anything that I currently thought I knew.

The great deception throughout all of human history has been about the knowledge of good and evil, so we could ‘be like God’.

The tool that evil has used to impact knowledge of what is good and what is evil has been anything to do with money, finances, wealth, and looking after yourself – ie to be like God to know what to do in any given situation.

The bible gives us such a depth and breadth of knowledge that it can speak into any personal or global situation, with historical events and real people to testify to how God leads to experience His goodness!

Jesus taught us that these 2 opposing forces would become twisted in the last days of a great age, and that even the elect would be deceived.

A watered down version of this is His simple comment about not serving 2 masters: God or money  (Matthew 6:24).

The English word money, was translated from a powerful, evil, spiritual being called ‘mammon’. It’s not an intangible attitude of greed. It’s a personified evil that we don’t have to see to know the extent of it’s devastation. But,…

God wrote goodness in our hearts!

So, whatever you’re facing right now, look for the hope, and you’ll find God.

God is good.

He always is, and He’s good in all ways!

Evil existed in the beginning, but God’s plan is simple – seek Him first, with your whole heart and He will make your path straight!

If you’re making decisions based on fear of getting sick, dying, losing your job, losing money, missing out, or being taken over by a worldwide communistic new world order and great financial reset, then go to the beginning and ask God to lead you to new hope.

He will show what you don’t have to see with your natural eyes, because one of His promises is that He who is faithful, will complete the good work that He began in and through your life – He will show you the happy endings from the new beginnings (Philippians 1:6)!

If that’s His promise for you, then it is for anyone who believes. If collectively we focus our thoughts, words, plans and actions on the visions, desires and dreams that He has individually placed in our hearts, then it seems to me that by default, the collective good will give no room for the evil enemy to weigh anyone down with hopelessness and discouragement.

In the beginning evil existed, but Adam and Eve were ‘covered’ because they didn’t know evil.

In the end, the evil empire that has influenced all creation with deception is defeated.

How is that possible? By the blood of the lamb (God’s life-giving covenant), and the word of our testimony (your declaration of His promises, goodness, and your hope that He who is faithful will do what He promises (Revelation 12:11 and 1 Thessalonians 5:24)!

Stop talking like the enemy is winning – He’s not!!!

Our job is to stop agreeing with what we can see, and to instead look at what we can’t see, but KNOW because in the very beginning, it’s who God is!

Jesus said, to come to him with any burden, because his yoke is light and his burden is easy – we can rest in Him, meaning we can trust that what He said and did is the truth (Matthew 11:28)!

He has given us the Power and the Authority to have dominion over His creation, and to multiply His goodness! 

That means that He leads us, provides for us, shows us everything we need to know as we seek His goodness, no evil can exist in the light of His goodness and love!

Will you invest the time to seek some knew knowledge to experience revelation and new hope – the kind I didn’t know existed and I’d love you to also experience!
There are challenges facing all of us like no one alive has every experienced, and that alone is a good reason to seek new knowledge, new understanding, new revelation, and new hope with new beginnings – because we have the end of the story, and God wins!

Many Blessings Always and All Ways,

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Reasons to Hope for Wonderful Things Ahead!

Some days are definitely easier than others to keep your eyes on God, the
author and finisher of our faith. We know we our hope is found in the finished
work of our messiah, who is the way, the truth and the life…but…

Some days the minutes and hours creep by with almost every thought seeming to battle for the dominance in the pit of, ‘What if some horrible thing happens?’

What if?

‘What if something amazing beyond anything we could even ask or imagine is about to happen?

There is no shortage of opportunities and things to be anxious about, so where’s the proof that something good is coming?

Yes, faith is the evidence of things hoped for, and the substance of things not yet seen – and we know we walk by faith and not by sight…

It’s easy to say that all we need is Jesus, and that he’s going to provide for everything so don’t concern yourself with money and politics… Except…

One thing we have that doesn’t get a lot of the credence it’s worthy of, is the reality that knowledge wields a lot of power. If you’re going to succeed at anything, you acquire knowledge in that area. That requires an investment of time.

An investment of time, is a financial investment.

Knowledge and finances go together and ultimately you can chunk that down to conclude that if you have money, you can influence knowledge – which provides power to produce an outcome.

The book of Genesis clearly tells us that knowledge is a big deal.

We weren’t supposed to know anything other than good, so we would know instantly that something was evil, in the same way bankers are taught to know the details of real money so they can easily and quickly discern a counterfeit.

Money is a tool that is used not just as a medium of exchange as it’s supposed to be, but our current financial system is a tool that is used to control everything around us. It is a system of debt. Debt is slavery, and for it to produce the results for those who control the money (the lenders), knowledge must be presented so the people will support the system – the system that is ultimately oppressing, controlling and enslaving them.

This is why it’s dangerous to ignore or minimize financial discussions in relationship to the Kingdom of God.

When Jesus said you can’t serve both God and money, he was referring to a lot more than stewardship. He clearly taught and demonstrated that to overturn the ‘money changers’ (aka the entire system of political and financial control that changes what is good into evil to support the evil of agenda of the ‘prince of this world’ aka satan) that we’d need knowledge, understanding, and the wisdom of God of these areas.

With this as an introduction, it’s been the knowledge of how finances have been used to deceive and enslave humanity, that has led me to a very long journey looking for answers to the question, of “what can we do?” to restore hope for immeasurably more than anything we can currently ask or think based on the circumstances we find ourselves in at any given time.

Please research yourself and let me if you’re interested in my longer teaching and we’ll take the time to go through the background and details together.

Here’s where you can watch the video and let me know if you want more!

Here is the short list of reasons to be hopeful in the meantime:

1. The knowledge of what is good and what is evil is twisted to the point that families, neighbors and whole nations are divided as a result. This was one of the signs Jesus told us would indicate that we’re near the end…

2. Knowledge of anything other than a one-sided perspective is censored and/or destroyed similar to library burnings in times of war. This tells us we are in a war – a sort of silent war, between good and evil – and we know that Good (God) wins!!

  • Censorship and media fueled propaganda of a one-sided perspective on many things, has given rise to what I call ‘the people’s media’.

  • The ‘word of our testimony’ is a key component of our triumph! We can access information from people who have risked their lives, relationships and livelihoods to share alternative perspectives – it’s not available on ‘mainstream’ though, but it’s available for anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear!

3. Biblical cycles show us historical patterns taken by humanity from peace and prosperity to idolatry, immorality, child sacrifices, and gender fluidity. We’re at the end of a cycle now and throughout biblical history, we see how God raises up deliverer and shows His dominion over all creation to defeat all types of evil impacting His creation and His people!

  • These cycles are both macro and micro, meaning they show a pattern of spiritual and physical parallels that is applicable for our individual lives, as well as for humanity as a whole.

  • God’s ultimate plan of salvation is told in the stars in the Hebrew Mazzorath, or signs of the zodiac, also called the Heavenly Scroll.

    We’ve been told this is sorcery, and indeed twisting the message to foretell fortunes and personal events is clearly against God’s will. But, …

  • There was a reason the wise men rode to honour the baby in Bethlehem at the birth of Christ. They were the scientists of the day. Their knowledge came from studying creation to discover ways to serve creation and humanity in a way that glorified our creator. This is in direct opposition to the Egyptian mindset which our scientists follow today, which is to look to the natural in order to develop man-made systems.

  • The stars don’t change, just like God doesn’t change. They have been used by every ancient civilization throughout recorded human history and they tell us an amazing new era is upon us – where evil is exposed and disposed from the world, and healing for all creation can happen.

  • Look it up – the birth of Christ, ushered humanity into a 2000-ish year age of Pisces from the previous age of Aries.

  • It’s been 2000+ years since the life of Christ and the stars tell us that we’re moving from Pisces into Aquarius! There’s some ‘birthing pains’ described in the bible that we can see happening before our  eyes!

  • For a long time, I have referred to the age we’ve been living in for many years as being similar to the period of time between Joseph and Moses where the people became enslaved (making more bricks with less straw), by the political policies using fiat currency as the tool to oppress the people. Fiat currency is a debt based financial system.

  • There had been a 400ish year gap in biblical writings prior to the stars telling the story that had been given to prophets and others in recorded biblical history.

  • There was approximately 400 years between Joseph and Moses, and…

  • There has been approximately 400 years since a lot of knowledge that has impacted our current world came about (check out historical events of the 1600’s for example).

4. Our current fiat money system that is controlled by the central bankers who have influenced nations with Egyptian, Babylonian thinking is impossible to maintain and the only outcomes are:

  • Absolute population control where an over-bearing governmental system (the bible calls this type of system Babylon) owns everything and the people have nothing. This control includes mass genocide of a population for the government to achieve and maintain their total control. Or,…

  • For many years I have studied and been following the history of money and financial issues relating to the return of the world to the gold standard. This will eliminate the central banking fiat system. Knowing the history, we can see how for over 100 years since inception, we’ve been increasingly controlled and oppressed by this fiat (debt-based) central banking system. This system is controlled and managed by banking and political elite who manipulate knowledge at every level of culture. With this knowledge, you can see that a new system capable of returning privacy and security to financial transactions, is upon us and that…

  • Gold and precious commodities that have been stolen from nations around the world have been confiscated from this evil ‘Babylonian’ political ‘under-system’ (it’s the system that wields the financial power behind the cultural areas we see in life).

5. Trillions of dollars in what seems to be as many as 1000 ish multi-gazillion dollar transactions are very close to being finalized and are all following a similar time line for completion!

  • These transactions are to further distribute funds to humanitarian projects to heal the earth and heal humanity.

  • These multi-trillion dollar transactions are all following a similar timeline, and line up with the concepts outlined in a global agreement by all nations, called GESARA. This can only be rolled out on a new financial system that won’t enable corruption, drugs, wars, trafficking, and other illicit activity to continue.

I’ll cover more on the money issues shortly as I reply to questions on what to do with money and the increasing questions on whether to buy gold, silver, international currencies, and what to do with real estate.

I’ll also address questions and concerns on cryptocurrencies then as well. In the meantime, you may want to refer to the overview of the foundational 12 steps for MoneyMinding financial planning and decision-making available here with free access on my training site to see where each of these things fall into an overall biblically-based financial plan.

Finally, the biggest reason for my hope is found in prayer and community.

God has been extremely faithful in answering prayers with new relationships and friendships.

God answers prayer and there are amazing committed, powerful prayer warriors around the world, as well as little children, average people, and people who have never prayed before turning to God and the bible for answers!

God speaks to people through prayer and there are many powerful current and long-standing prophetic words from people who are not connected to each other in any way, but who have heard from God – and they are all saying the same thing with a similar timeline as what we see happening in the natural and in God’s heavenly scroll!!

There are more reasons to hope for the amazing side of ‘what if’, than there is to fall into the anxious side of those same words – these are just a few of my favourites!

It’s all good – always and all ways!

Please share this with others and I look forward to sharing more with you soon!

Blessings and More Blessings!

Blessings and More Blessings!


Restoring Hope Today – An Invitation to More

Ok. So, I did a thing…

It might not seem like much, but for quite some time I have been increasingly excited about the future of the world.

At the same time, however, when I start to share about why this is, I am more often than not, met with a ‘deer in the headlight’ kind of look.

It seems the concept of hoping for much of anything other than surviving, or perhaps getting back to some sense of perceived freedom of choice, is coming against weariness, facts and triggering some unbelief, or perhaps cognitive dissonance.

Hoping against hope, can trigger fear because no one wants to risk being disappointed!

Worse, no one wants to be messenger of something that could potentially bring about ‘false hope’ that leads to discouragement.

Last week, I set out to make a short video to ‘try’ to explain some of the reasons for my growing sense of not just hope, but real excitement.

Seriously, I’ve even started working out because I have so much energy. I wake up in the morning full of joy and peace that really does surpass all understanding.

The circumstances haven’t changed.

In fact as I write this, the smoke from nearby forest fires is billowing in around us again, I have (as many do), huge family prayers because of the ‘divide and conquer’ campaign being waged against our nations, the prayer requests for people with health and financial issues is non-stop, and of course when I open any kind of media it seems that lies, threats, violence, and more government control attempts parade across my screens…

So where does this hope come from?

The only answer to that question is from God, but it’s the new knowledge He has led me to, that has given rise to a new level of understanding and passion to shout from the rooftops a revelation of what I believe God is doing, that is so much bigger than anything we could have ever asked or imagined!

I created a presentation to pull together some of this information then realized it would be amazing to go through it live on zoom so we can discuss it together.

I then decided to take some of the concepts from the the full presentation to make an introductory video as in invitation for you to join me for a more indepth discussion.

You can access the introduction on my social media channels below to hopefully be inspired to want to share with others and join me on this amazing journey!

Joe (my husband), asked me what’s this all for, as I have now spent the better part of a week working on it – and not because it’s some grand perfectly polished, professional production, but because God, would not let up and the Holy Spirit kept leading me to what and how He wants me to share.

My only response to Joe’s question about ‘why’ is because people need hope! 

God asked me to share what He has led me to uncover that has dramatically and forever altered my relationship with Him and with the world around us.

Will you please watch it, like it, share it, and consider joining me for a live zoom to go through the full presentation together?

I’ll wait to see how many people are interested before proposing a couple times to meet – maybe we’ll do several live events 😊

Here’s the link to watch and invitation to join live!

Where we go from here, we’ll wait for God to make that clear…

In the meantime, may the peace of God that surpasses all understanding dwell in your hearts, that in days of darkness, you are built up in your most holy faith, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto eternal life!

Many Blessings always and all ways,

PS – Check out Jude 20 & 21 (2021) for additional inspiration!

See you soon 🙂

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Staying Alive

Many people know that a guiding principle in my life is from the scripture in Jeremiah 29:7 where we are told to pray for the community to which we are called into exile, because as it prospers so do you.

I think most people know that humanity is in exile to the various cultural and political systems that ‘regulate’ the key areas impacting our lives: politics, religion, education, media, entertainment, family, and business.

The tool used by the world’s systems to control a narrative, to direct action, and ultimately to unite societies under one world is the control of the money supply.

Our current financial systems which impact business and economics has been under the control of the central banking and controlled by the federal reserve. There are only a handful of nations who never signed on to the central banking system which is based on a concept called ‘fiat’ – meaning debt.

The entire central banking system is a system of debt, that in it’s ultimate end, would transfer wealth from the people to a select group of elites. It’s an ultimate system of slavery and control, much like we read about in Exodus where the people were forced to make more bricks with less straw and the only way out was divine intervention!!

The financial control has enabled the people who control the system to influence knowledge. They’ve been able to convince us that what is good is evil and visa versa!

The bankers over the last 100+ years have taken control of gold and physical assets and have issued ‘IOU’s’ to governments around the world with interest. These IOU’s have been traded and packaged, and sliced and diced, to the point that we have trillions and trillions of worthless money that has been used to purchase and control land, businesses, utilities, and whole governments.

In this system, prices continue to go up, dollar values will go down, and in order to keep the whole thing going, new products and services are invented as ways to create more money… there are obviously a lot more details to fill in, but you’ll get the idea…

Humanity has been on a downward spiral heading towards destruction, despite being told that we’re a highly developed civilization.

What’s particularly amazing about this is the biblical account of these economic and cultural cycles throughout human history. The Exodus is perhaps the one most well known, which in itself is fascinating since it was a motion picture production created by the media moguls who have influenced knowledge, ideas, and culture so prominently.

We have stories told through television, movies, radio, music, books, etc. which have all influenced our thinking, whether we believe it or not.

Was the Exodus just an ancient story with no relevance to our life today?

Or was it symbolic of a physical and spiritual parallel with great importance to our individual lives and global survival?

The other day I woke up with the song, ‘Staying Alive’ by the BG’s from the movie, Saturday Night Live playing in my head… don’t laugh – I didn’t start dancing like John Travolta, LOL.

I did, however, look for the lyrics.

If God pops an idea into your mind, He tells us to take every thought captive to the obedience to Christ (to His Spirit that resides within us, so we can ‘bear witness’ to what we see and hear with our natural senses.

Is God trying to get your attention with some of these seemingly random thoughts and ideas?

We can look at some of the media and say it’s satanic – but satan only mimics God in order to inflict deception so he can steal, kill and destroy God’s goodness in our life and God’s creation.

Satan will leave clues, and use even some of what we and God hold to be most holy to deceive even the elect – you and I – God’s chosen people, His son’s and daughter, heirs to throne made possible through the life, death, burial and resurrection power of His son – the 1st born of the dead – that’s us!

The Spirit of God gives us our very breath. He’s calling us to life; to rise with Him through that same resurrection power to demonstrate His almighty, all loving, all powerful, all present reign over His creation. We have that same Power and the authority to use it, through the blood of His son, our saviour, who gave his life, that we shall call on Him and be saved!!

We must be wise, and we must come together, to lay down our differences, and know that God wins, but we are His Body, so we have work to do!

Satan’s pride has led to his influence to be hidden in plain sight with symbols and other hidden clues. Once you see them, they are everywhere – literally in your face every day, every where!

Someone just showed me how a beautiful worship song had been hijacked with that backwards, subliminal satanic programming that was brought to light with rock music in the 70’s and 80’s. I couldn’t listen. It was horrible. I love the song. I’ve sung my heart out to it, and wept with passion for God’s goodness. But the intent of the satanic messaging is to implant the demonic messages at a time when our emotions and our mind is engaged in receiving… it’s gut wrenching to realize the depth of the lies and what has been stolen from us!!

The book of revelation, despite being twisted with a whole range of obscure meanings, is actually VERY clear in showing us what’s happening in the world today.

I cried out for a greater revelation of Jesus Christ a while ago, and, oh has God been faithful in answering that prayer!

My excitement and enthusiasm for what He’s doing in the world today is overflowing! Sometimes I can barely contain myself the magnitude of what’s happening and where He’s leading us!

There is so much to be hopeful for because we have so much more than invisible faith – we have the substance in plain sight – God is delivering us from the lies and oppression and we’re a generation who gets to experience it!!

In the book or Revelation we are repeatedly told that those with eyes to see and ears to hear will see what God is doing. He has instructed us from the beginning of time to see His goodness, His life, His love, and Grace, and Mercy.

Let me encourage you to join online, and to continually look for God at work, by looking for the substance of what we all hope for in everything you see!

If / when you’re confronted with something that at first seems impossible, or improbable; look further and question everything! 

We all have pieces to the puzzle that are valuable and essential, and none of us really know as much as we think we know. We need each other, and when we let down our walls, God really can come into every situation with His great love and kindness; to take every situation and turn it for good!

This is why is why my friend Adrian and I have started to create the

It’s also why I’ve started the new blog at to archive and share the information as people start to ask questions!

Please share this with people you know and make sure you also join on the platforms below.

Abundant Blessings Always and All Ways,

I’ll leave you with this to ponder from
Bee Gees – Stayin’ Alive Lyrics |
Writer(s): Gibb Barry Alan, Gibb Maurice Ernest

Robin Gibb explained the meaning of this song, saying, “The subject matter of ‘Stayin’ Alive’ is actually quite a serious one; It’s about survival in the streets of New York, and the lyrics actually say that”. Barry Gibb also added, “Everybody struggles against the world, fighting all the BS and things that can drag you down. And it really is a victory just to survive.”

Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I’m a woman’s man: no time to talk. Music loud and women warm, I’ve been kicked around since I was born. And now it’s all right. It’s OK. And you may look the other way. We can try to understand The New York Times’ effect on man.

[What? Interesting comment, given the way news influences man]

Whether you’re a brother Or whether you’re a mother, You’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Feel the city breakin’ And everybody shakin’, And we’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive.

[We are indeed ‘stayin alive’! God gave us everything we need for life, health, shelter, and community. We can understand with our natural senses, that the effect the media has had on mankind has ‘kicked us around since we were born’. Let’s get back to relying on each other for support and information instead 😊].

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Searching for Truth

Sam and Adrian Spitters look at how and where to look for (and find) uncensored information online. Plus, some practical suggestions for ‘digging’ for original sources to verify information. How to organize your research and files so you can retrieve your work later to share or refer back to, is also discussed.

Both Sam and Adrian are ‘recovering financial advisors’ who know the value of ‘following the money’ and looking for alternate solutions to build and maintain a foundation for wealth in all areas of life!

Watch on Rumble OR Watch on Youtbube

For more with Sam and Adrian, make sure you visit us at Sovereign Wealth Alliance and subscribe to connect with people, research and solutions for some of today’s toughest issues!

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Are You Buying It?

There is so much going on …
We all feel it…
All creation cries out…

Are you excited, hopeful and optimistic, or has information overload taken over?

Did you know there’s a common element in EVERY living thing that produces a sound?

It’s one of the ways animals are able to detect storms, earthquakes, etc.

We know that sound produces energy from sound waves and can be measured.

Did you know that the earth produces a similar energy that is measured and monitored? It’s called Schumann Resonance, FYI.

And, did you know that the energy humans produce is normally the same vibrational energy as the normal earth’s vibration? Interesting facts that I don’t remember learning in school, do you?

Did you know that our normal human energy field is SIX FEET?
Yep…6 feet, not 5, not 7, but 6!

Now think about just those few questions in light of the phrase ‘social distancing’.

I wonder why God told mankind to not forsake the gathering together and laying on of hands?

Is humanity following science?
Is science following money?

Why do I say that?

Because once you start asking questions and genuinely seeking answers you will very quickly get outside all mainstream vocabulary coming at us through all forms of media and online platforms.

When you ask questions and genuinely open yourself up to receiving answers, your senses – your own, eyes, ears, and energy trigger critical, rational thinking that will begin to lead you to gather knowledge that God uniquely will guide you to in order that He can fulfill His good plans and purposes for and through your life.

You don’t have to be a super intellectual, or super spiritual person to ask different questions.

But you do have to be open to receive the answers you’ll find!

How do we know what we know?

Who told us?

How does what we see connect with what we think we know?

I say, ‘what we think we know’ because it requires a VERY BIG ‘pill to swallow’ to face your thoughts and accept that it’s the choices we made about what to think that have shaped our beliefs,…and therefore our reality…because…

We think without thinking.

Our sense of self has shaped who we believe we are. If you start to question what you believe and why you believe certain things, you’re coming face to face with human ego – also known as pride, or your will.

All of what we experience as reality is learned from the environment we live in, which is shaped by the systems that organize our culture:


This is where things get really interesting though…

Money is the power that shapes these cultural systems that influence every area of our life.

Whoever has more money, will have more influence over what we know, and therefore what we believe and how we act.

Money will determine what research get’s funded, what businesses are funded and therefore what products are developed and sold, what shows are produced and shared through media, what buildings and projects get developed, and on and on we see that money is a tool for influencing knowledge, which influences behaviour…

More on this later…
In the meantime, I want to introduce you to my friend, Adrian Spitters and a service we’re starting to help people connect and understand how FINANCES (not religion, education, politics or media) is the COMMON THEME that impacts our cultural systems through influencing what knowledge get’s put forward.

Adrian and I are creating an aggregate online platform to connect people, information, resources, and solutions called the Sovereign Wealth Alliance.

It’s part of a God-sized vision to connect communities, provide transformational training,  services, and financing.

Adrian has been researching and sharing information on just about anything you would want to know that’s impacting our world and our lives today.

We know that knowledge brings power to produce wealth in all areas of life, so access to information and resources is critical to fulfilling your own Godly dreams and purposes.

Our intention is to provide access to a whole new world of opportunity through the Sovereign Wealth Alliance, so that FEAR WILL BE REDUCED AND HOPE PRODUCED!

Because, …
once you see;
and once you know,
you can’t unsee,
or unknow.

You can get Adrian’s consolidated research report in PDF format, as well as the regular updates at

Please share this site with anyone you know who’s looking for answers on some of the key issues facing our world today!

There is so much information available and so much to be grateful and excited about

God wrote the story of creation when He created the heavens and the earth and His story is about to enter a new age (more on this to come). God’s clock never changes and it never lies. All ancient cultures knew this and relied on it for their existence.

In the programming that tells us to ‘trust the science’ we have been led to believe that what’s good is evil and what’s evil is good and we don’t see or hear what’s ‘hiding in plain sight’.

We are in the process of entering into a whole new era of God’s blessings!

Don’t buy the lie that we’re heading for a catastrophic end of the world.

It is the end of the world as we know it…

Say goodbye to poverty, struggle, corruption and manipulation. Stand firm with the faith and hope that surpasses all understanding.

Seek out and align yourself with what’s positive and good; that which you can know and discern with your own eyes, ears and common sense!

We did a video to help demonstrate how to search for answers in this age of censorship. It’s called ‘Searching for Truth‘.

You can find it on Rumble and Youtube (see links below).

There is so much to share in this exciting time! We are looking for volunteer help with communication and website development so we can share more as it happens, … in the meantime though, bear with us in the early days of this amazing rebirth!

And make sure you join us on all the social media channels below –

It really is ALL GOOD!

Many Blessings,

Good or Evil – God or Money – Fiat or GESARA?

Choose Today – Your Choice!

There is no middle ground, that we know, but making sense of what’s going on, requires knowledge, which requires willingness to accept deception, lack of an misinformation that has been accepted in the past. Always, we’re looking at the hope, and the practical steps of ‘what can we do’?

Watch on Rumble OR Watch on Youtube

Here’s where you can follow me and support my work:
Support my work here:
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter
Training and Books:
Also at:

The Credit Squeeze

When banks start to remove credit, and there’s a lot of news of stock market crashes and economic devastation coming – whether it’s worldwide, or happening to you personally, the question still remains, “what can you do?”.

You can listen on Rumble or Youtube, and make sure you like, follow and share to we are working together to bring hope to others concerned and dealing with the financial devastation that has plagued our world for too long.

It isn’t sustainable, that we know. But that doesn’t immediately mean it’s going to be a horrible devastating crash. Look for where and what God’s up to; look for the hope because there’s a lot of great news and terrific opportunities hidden in plain sight 🙂

Hello New World


What if one morning you wake up and realize that most of what you thought you knew was not what you thought it was?

The technical term to describe what happens when you are confronted with information that conflicts with your current belief about something is called ‘cognitive dissonance‘.

It brings about a mental response that can lead to denial, rejection, despair, bitterness, and any manner of ‘shock’ reactions of disbelief.

For people who have followed me and MoneyMinding for years (decades for some) it’s been almost 9 months since you’ve seen anything from me online. For an otherwise very prolific writer, this is unheard of.

I’ll make a video about the sudden ‘STOP’ later because it’s a story involving death, deception, and denial initiated by events surrounding the death of a dear friend.

We witnessed an evil deception invoking cognitive dissonance – a series of events carried out before our very eyes where information and actions were manipulated to the point that some really good people even encouraged the very thing that lead to the death.

But beyond cognitive dissonance is new hope.

A lot of what we see in the world around us is the result of evil’s attempt to control through information. The  blatant censorship and scripted media campaigns against terms they call ‘misinformation’, or ‘conspiracy theories’ is just the open door to a very long, deep, and perverse twisting of information.

If we accept the information that flows from the narrative of a world that controls knowledge through financial control, we are more susceptible to being deceived, and worse – we risk becoming part of the problem, despite good intentions!

Since we know that fear is the primary tactic the enemy uses to control, the objective is to let faith lead you to the hope – the substance of this grand battle between good and evil.

But where do you start?

The last 9 months have been a season of study and revelation like I could never have imagined, and I know I’m not alone in this process.

It’s now time to ‘GO’!

We all have a role to play in helping each other gain new insights and blessings, from new knowledge!

Our current financial system has led the world into debt slavery where knowledge has been used to gain control of the finances which control us – the people!

Within every area of our life: politics, media, education, entertainment, business, medicine, and religion the underlying tool used to influence what we learned and how we acted as a result of what we thought we knew, has been finances.

Many people are aware that there is a global agenda to bring about a ‘great reset’ where the ultimate objective is world control – essentially worldwide slavery.

If this is new information to you, don’t panic because there’s more…

The other agenda that has been in place (and many people have tried over the generations to bring into force), is called GESARA (the global economic security and reform act).

The GESARA system removes deception, returns privacy and freedom, with no interest, flat singlular tax, no market manipulation, returns hidden technologies, and much more than we can even ask or imagine.

We’re going to look at both systems and together intentionally build a bridge from the current ‘beast’ system that fuels our ‘babylonian’ economy, and the Kingdom Wealth that God promises in the bible!

Stay with me, IT WILL BECOME CLEARER as we move forward!
I’ll also show you how the 12-step MoneyMinding system is the ‘bridge over troubled water’ to help quickly learn and apply a new mindset to navigate the financial world we live in. And invite you to join in sharing information and revelation so that collectively we all benefit!

It’s time to build that bridge with new knowledge, a new perspective, and new hope for an amazing shift like the world has never known.

Here is are other places you can follow me online right now:

  1. Join my Telegram Channel (and join Telegram if you haven’t already)
  2. Subscribe to my Rumble Channel
  3. You can still  find me on youtube and facebook, but given the sensitive nature of what’s being shared, I prefer to use platforms that are open to alternative perspectives.
  4. Also, you can support my work here:

Please make sure you like, subscribe, and share the messages – this is the time we need to be open with everyone we know because the stories that dominate our media, fuel the side a story that brings fear which brings fear-based, not faith-based decision-making.

Many Blessings,

PS. The reason the name satan isn’t capitalized is because the capital letter is supposed to show respect.

Our english language is the language of commerce (ie. business, finance, and economics) that has been twisted and turned to fuel satan’s agenda of ascending to the level of God and his plan to control God’s creation. We don’t want to give him ANY respect, so when you see what ‘spell checker’ says is a ‘typo’ consider it to be a reminder of how satan is a defeated foe!