New ‘intel’ and revelation – get ready!

Today, I got an update from one of the financial projects I’ve been following. In this update, there was a ‘piece’ that presented itself in such a way that a whole bunch of other pieces became much clearer.

As the days, weeks, and months carry on, I have only grown stronger and stronger in my ‘knowing’ that the finances will be released to the people ‘soon’… for real this time – not like the years and years of waiting some of us have heard before!

This ‘knowing’ is increasing by the hour now!

I’m going to share the pieces to help you make decisions as we navigate this never before taken journey together!

As I do, I’m going to please ask you to lay aside EVERYTHING you currently have held true until this point. I’m can’t and won’t tell you what to believe. That’s all up to you. I’m asking you to open your head and heart in new ways so you have the best opportunity possible to be prepared to receive more than you ever thought possible!

We have only been taught to think and believe a certain way about money.

We’ve only known slave thinking – even people who have amassed millions.

The financial mindset has limited our collective capacity to receive and share the goodness we were created to experience.

This needs to change as we enter the new world.

You can have all the money available to you, but who taught financial management?

How many financial advisors do you know who are doing anything other promoting some kind of investment that will grow into more money with the changes we’re seeing now?

That’s not relevant in the new world!

All I can think of to say right now is, “we need to talk”.

I’ll prepare notes tomorrow – to be ready to share Friday and Saturday!

In preparation you can listen to the first 5 (I added another step again today if you’re following along), of the 12-step series on ‘Breaking Free From Financial Deception’. You can listen at where you can also download the PowerPoints.

Bring me all your ‘ya but’s’ because you might not see millions in your bank account at this very moment, but remember this…

God wins.

The battle has already been won.

We are the heirs to the Kingdom.

The time to receive our inheritance is now.

The time to have what has been stolen from us returned is now.

Do not be afraid. Be strong when you see gas prices out of this world. When you see empty store shelves. If your bank account is drained. If you’re out of work. If you’re out of credit. If you’ve been trying to find a safe place to keep money. If you’re trying to make decisions about buying or selling or locking in a mortgage.

Hold on – EVERYTHING is about to change!

Join me – we’re going talk about what’s going on beneath the narrative!

Friday, March 11th at 1:30pm PST we’ll have our first ‘True Wealth’ heart to heart, head-to-head about the money system!!

Please register for this Friday discussion here:

Saturday, March 12th at 10am PST we’ll carry on the conversation as well as answer questions and continue the discussion on Breaking Free From Financial Deception!

Get the link for Saturday’s at

Please share –

I’ve been saying for months now that we don’t need to have all the answers, but for the first time in over 30 years in and around finance, I know that this is the time we’ve been waiting for …

It is better than anything we could have ever asked or imagined.

It will be swift and sudden as we watch Babylon fall ‘in one hour’ (Revelation 18).

There will be much work to do.

It will be worth it.

It will be ok.

It will be better than ok.

I look forward to sharing details shortly!

With much love and abundance always and all ways!


PS – Doubtful? Good. Show up and let’s talk because you have a choice about how long you and others want to continue to wander in the wilderness – I’m ready for the promised land – how about you?

Download the True Wealth Event Book and Get the Details to Join the Experience at

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Power Thoughts

We live in an energy grid, and we are part of that energy grid. In fact, our function within that energy grid is critical for the entire grid to function. It will either be increasing or decreasing in abundance depending on the flow of energy within the system. The way the system has worked for thousands of years was to transfer the currency from this energy system to a control system that had a purpose to harvest the energy and all the energy producing resources for their power. In order to do this, an elaborate system of deceit designed to mask the true value of our life has been used for destruction. Knowing how the system works gives us the opportunity to unlock our own power to use that currency to increase the power grid for our benefit.

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Finding Hope

You don’t have to have all the answers, but at least having the topics to consider when looking at the world we live in is a good place to start – like starting a puzzle with the edge pieces.

The best place to start is to assume that everything is a lie – everything.

As you begin to look for answers, it’s much easier to ask questions if you’re looking for information to form a new foundation than to try to patch the old one. I say this because our cultural training has separated us with information that focuses on rational studies of the natural world.

Biblically, this is represented by the ‘Egyptian’ mindset: studying the natural in order to be like God. It’s logical conclusion is depletion which is in direct opposition to a mindset that studies creation in order to multiply the creation.

It’s the Babylonian ‘shadow government’ who has established the monetary system, political system, religious institutions, educational curriculum and medical systems – all using an elaborate system many call ‘corporatocracy’.

It doesn’t take much to realize how a system of private ownership that’s focused on profits and losses operating in a system of debt where insurance companies, banks and governments make rules that are interpreted by a legal system that is designed to support their system of debt.

The whole system is based on an illusion. This is how religion has been used to form belief systems where people learn to accept certain truths. Add to this an educational curriculum and bias towards intellectualism, scientism and learning what someone has deemed important in order to succeed to a set of standards that have been culturally determined by a sophisticated media communications platform of constant sorcery, the result is a seriously weakened power of our human mind. We have been conditioned so we would be limited in our creative power to produce real wealth so that we would settle for the idea that we could be free to live abundantly in a world designed on scarcity.  

I was asked to share more on the reasons for my hope so I started with one short message, then realized I didn’t mention anything about banking, then added some thoughts on the importance of positive energy.

Each of these 3 messages, has much more to discuss, as we see the last grasps of corporatocracy attempting to hold on to profits, manipulate markets with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, or other highly volatile crypto currencies.

What we can learn from a military operation called ‘Project Looking Glass’ and some other things we dismissed as ‘myths’ because that’s what the media machine told us, is that the more the corrupt system pushes to implement their plan of transhumanism and totalitarianism with a global population control agenda, the more people wake up to their scheme – and better – the more we wake up to who we are as men and women made in the likeness and image of the creator and source of EVERYTHING!

The power of our mind is reflected in the world around us, we just haven’t recognized it. The concept of language that has been twisted and used against us with 2 versions of the language chosen for ‘trade and commerce, English, is based on characters that were developed from symbols representing something in the natural.

The word alphabet is made up of 2 names for 2 types of energy waves found in the human brain – alpha and beta. I’m not a neuroscientist but it seems we have 5 types of brain waves that produce energy waves.

Everything we read, print, speak, hear, write is symbolic of something that has energy. That symbol is technology. The technology of language has been used against us because we have been separated from the source.

In the same way your phone needs to have its battery charged, or your car needs gas, and your body needs food and water, you run out of energy or don’t operate at peak capacity when your source of energy is depleted!

If you focus on good, you find good and good is strong and grows by multiplying more good to itself.

If you focus on what’s happening in the natural you will see the consequences of this destructive, deceptive system – but it’s already dead!

These 3 messages are some quick thoughts on some different ways of looking at the chaos we’re seeing around us as the old system collapses – it’s unnerving, but it’s necessary –

Get a glimpse of some of the incredible technologies that are awaiting for us, the overflow of abundance, and the freedom to pursue worthwhile goals and dreams without limitations of time or money – its coming – and it will be beyond anything any of us could have even ever thought possible – and it’s coming in our lifetime!! Wow!!

Be at peace, breathe and join me and others who are planning and preparing for world change!

Abundance always and all ways ~ Sam

Part 1 – Many Reasons to Look Beyond

Part 2 – Banking Returned to the People

Part 3 – Multiplying Positive Energy

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More Energy of Money

It’s just numbers so why does it give us an illusion of power, security, freedom – or not?

More importantly, if looking at numbers on a piece of paper or in your computer can make you ‘feel’ anxious, overwhelmed, discouraged, frustrated, or victimized by a system designed to steal, kill and destroy your God-given power to produce real wealth as a child and co-heir of the Father and source of all creation, with immeasurable riches in the world we live in, it’s time to shift the energy and change the power to work for you and others, and not for ‘them’.

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Ready for a Financial Upgrade?

Introducing the New Energy of Money!

Consider what is money?

It’s a medium of exchange, right?

What is a medium? Hmmm… let’s leave that one alone!

What does money exchange?

Currency is what’s used to transfer from one party to another, right?

What’s currency?


Energy is power, right?

What does power do?

It transforms something. It produces light where there is darkness; warmth where there is cold (and visa versa); moves something from A to B; provides healing and nourishment; makes sound, entertainment, and a whole bunch more that sustains life, right?

How does energy produce power?

I’m no physicist, but I a few things I do know about energy and power are that at least 2 things come together so a change occurs – ie. When you rub 2 sticks together you get a spark capable of igniting a fire that is capable of great change –

Energy begins with at least 2 things coming together to produce something that powers the change, right?

Now we’re getting somewhere!!

Can energy be stored?

Sure – it can be saved and used later. You can also transport energy like electricity or wireless communication.

There’s a source somewhere that controls the collection, storage, transfer and release of energy to produce power somewhere as determined by the controller.

In God’s economy He is the source of all energy and His energy is renewable as we see in nature – think soil, plants, leaves, water, etc.

Now, consider all this as it relates to money….

What is the source of the money?

When you trace it all the way back, the energy that produces money for a system of control is human ingenuity and labour.

When 2 or more people come together we multiply the creative power to produce something valuable to benefit ourselves, others, and the world around us!!

We come together and transfer valuable energy between people to ignite hopes, dreams, ideas, results…

In the current world, our creative power to produce wealth has been hijacked to produce profits for a dead corporate structure designed to harvest and deplete the energy in God’s beautiful creation.

I remember a long time ago reading a quote that said, ‘if you want to inflict economic disaster on a nation, you teach it’s citizens to stockpile money.

That’s what retirement planning is all about – transferring financial power from the people to the ‘system’ who leverages the currency to produce wealth for the controllers at the top of the system. Retirement means ‘not productive’. So the concept behind the current money system is to extract our labour until we’re no longer productive… not good…

The system begins with deception by assigning a current value at birth to a human life and issuing a bond (a debt instrument) to a government. That bond (debt) matures when we die and during our life economic production we contribute to this debt slave system has already been pre-determined using financial control systems.

You might look around right now and think the world is heading towards full totalitarian government, but the reality is that we have been living as slaves, thinking we were free for generations now.

What we’re experiencing is that the debt has already been paid. The secret to how we have been robbed of our energy and power to produce wealth to confirm the covenant of dominion and multiplication of God’s goodness in His creation has been exposed.

Lies can’t continue when confronted with the truth.

Truth, however, requires an open mind to accept.
The truth is we have been living a lie.

We thought we were a peaceful, free, advanced civilization, when the reality is we have had big parts of our history stolen and hidden from us – a history that shows us an advanced civilization with unlimited free, environmentally friendly, healthy energy.

Debt always leads to destruction because it’s designed to rob our energy (the power to produce) real value.

The world is changing.

We are free.

We are powerful.

We are the change we’ve been waiting for.

Will you join us as we collaborate to flip the dead system, to produce new life with real financial power to produce real value?!

Sign up at or subscribe to my blog here to get all the invites and details!

Incredible news coming from the corners of the world, right now so I’m so we’re so grateful for everyone coming together like this. It’s an honour to share, and speaking for both myself and Adrian Spitters who is our research guru, and conspiracy theory giant slayer, we look forward to sharing as much as we can as we cross this bridge from the current corporate debt slave system to the land of freedom, peace and prosperity!

Abundance always and all ways,


Sovereign Wealth Alliance



Sam Piercy

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The $3.79 Christmas Miracle

As I write this, the snow is falling. I’m sitting by a warm fire and coffee shop jazz is playing in the background. I’m surrounded by the treasures that adorn our home and my husband, Joe is outside hanging the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ on the front of our home, then preparing to set up the life size nativity we built last year.

In addition to this idyllic environment the 2 of us have just come back from a beautiful stroll through the woods in the fresh snowfall.

The peace of the day, and surrounding environment is tangible; a stark contrast to the chaos and fear raging worldwide.

This year it’s 2021. Everyone is impacted in some way by the political and media messages imposing new rules and regulations that impact lives in one way or another, many with financial implications.

The Christmas of 2009 was another such year where people in many parts of the world were impacted by financial and political events beyond their control.

Songs and movies are made about worldwide events such as these, that have a profound impact on many people’s lives. We relate to the stories told because we all live through them in one way or another.

If you’re in the middle of a storm personally, the ‘happy ending’ of the story we tell later, is a blur or perhaps seems impossible. Emotions and decisions are triggered by anxiety, and fear of some sort of loss – real losses, that have the potential to impact lives for generations rage, as inevitable disaster seems to loom just ahead with no way to stop it!

During times of intense financial pressure, the common action is to retreat.

Around the world, finances have become a measure of worthiness, of identity, of security, and of hope. It doesn’t matter what worldwide event might have triggered a personal financial stress; the result is still personal – where the most intimate relationships we have are impacted, and every area of our life is affected.

Jesus was very clear when he said in Matthew 6:24, that we cannot serve 2 masters – God or money. This well-known verse has caused so much guilt, shame, control and isolation that it’s important to note, that the original word translated as ‘money’ is actually ‘mammon’. Mammon is a spiritual entity that uses financial control in its attempt to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’ anything good (John 10:10).

Knowing this, might not seem like it will change circumstances, but it’s extremely helpful knowledge when faced with situations that require a calm and peaceful mind to navigate tough decisions when circumstances around you are chaotic or seem to point to imminent loss or negative consequence…

When we’re confronted with situations and facts that throw us off guard, underlying beliefs and thoughts will trigger a response. If you’re stressed and see lack and loss in your future, that stress creates a tension that can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy – not good…

But,… with this as the background, remember that information that can be easily dismissed or ignored in times of crisis, but in this $3.79 Christmas Miracle story, it was this knowledge that became a tiny seed that opened a door to a family Christmas that our daughter described at the time as, ‘the best one ever’.

During a season when circumstances outside of our control led to near financial devastation, where 4 days before Christmas the mortgage on our home was about to enter into default, there seemed no way out of this horrible loss.

A family member had got word of our stresses and had called a family meeting that ended up with one person who could have helped replying that they were worth about $2m which had to last the rest of their life (they were in their early 70’s at the time), and couldn’t afford to lose $5000 to help us out.

We hadn’t gone to them for help, but the meeting or the response didn’t help the stress. Now, on top of the circumstances we also had the family knowing our plight, judging the situation, and verbalizing something we didn’t need to hear.

It was not a good scene in the movie if you were watching it on TV.

Christmas brings social and family pressures regardless of whether they are financial or not. If the enemy has plans to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’ lives, relationships, hopes and dreams the Christmas season is the time to ramp up pressure…

In our family, this particular Christmas, that’s exactly what was happening!

But God…

That little bit of knowledge about the spiritual impact of life, gave flicker to a teeny bit of strength, and clarity of mind to at least tally the numbers in the bank accounts despite the mental calculations that were sure there wasn’t enough…

The physical and mental strength required to open the computer to look at the accounts; to record the numbers, and do the simple math was nothing short of supernatural given the perceived consequences and lifestyle losses that seemed to be imminent from what we could see…

But God…

$9 here. $35 there. A few hundred there… When all the pieces were added together including little bits available on credit, the mortgage payment amount was subtracted… with $3.79 left over!

Whew…Relief… Peace… Calm…

At least for the moment…

We had a child with Christmas expectations based on our lifestyle and family traditions.

A different kind of anxiety arose, but the relief knowing the mortgage payment was covered, and that we had time to figure out the next month’s bills, gave rise to joy, and a knock on the door…

A gift card for $500.

Another knock and some gifts for our daughter.

Friends and family seemed to come ‘out of the woodwork’ to bring abundance into our life.

That night we watched a documentary on the Star of Bethlehem that is an annual tradition in our home after our first viewing had us picking our jaws off the floor to marvel at the evidence of God (Yahweh) hidden in in the stars in plain sight – His almighty, all powerful, all knowing love available for all of us to see anytime we open our eyes to look – any time we choose to let go of what we think, and instead to seek with our whole heart the peace that surpasses all understanding…

The Star took on new meaning that night, and remains a constant reminder that Yahweh’s timing is always perfect, and that He knows who we are and what we need, when we need it –

We bought groceries and personal items, then individually wrapped each and every tiny item.

The stockings and the tree overflowed with cereal, toothpaste, shampoo, fruit, and basic household items.

On Christmas morning we enjoyed a wonderful time together as a family taking turns opening gifts and enjoying sitting by the fire in our warm, comfortable home. Gratitude didn’t seem to be a big enough word for the abundance of peace, love, and joy we experienced that Christmas day!

A couple days later I put on some warm clothes, took my bible and notebook, a blanket, and went to sit on my special rock overlooking the ocean where we lived in Victoria, BC. I was well aware that the stress and anxiety had almost caused us to miss the abundance that was all around us.

I sat there in the cold, on a bright sunny day, not even sure how to pray, but aware that Yahweh – the God of heaven and earth, the God of everything good, who calls each of us by name, and has good plans for each of His children, had made a way when I was sure there wasn’t.

It was here, that He again, gently wrapped me in that tangible peace, and spoke an idea so simple and profound into my mind; an idea that began with a small $10 seed, that could multiply into more than enough to meet any situation…An idea that produced more than enough to meet our family’s needs going forward, and that produced incredible abundance in other’s lives as well!

Even if we hadn’t made the mortgage payment that year, I am convinced now, that His Spirit within us would have empowered a creative solution or provided the strength and peace to move through the situation. We would have called the bank and given what we had, or let the finances be what they were, knowing that we still weren’t going to be out in the cold on Christmas day…

And so it is… that regardless of the circumstances, and regardless of what the numbers may seem to be showing, from our family to yours, we say… rise up – God is always and all ways more than enough – even when we don’t think we see a way…

He is Yahweh – He has a way, and He promises goodness, grace and abundance far above any dark spiritual entity that might seem to be succeeding in stealing His goodness. When we stop trying to figure it out on our own and trust Him regardless of the circumstances and outcome, He shows up and He provides exactly what we need in the quiet abundance of His peace!

Here’s a couple videos where I’ve shared this story in the past:

$3.79 Christmas: 

Faith for Finances Christmas Gifts:

Mana, Mammon, and Christmas:

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Hearts of Stone

A Story of Quiet Abundance

“We’re going to the beach; do you want anything?”

I was asked this question years ago by a dear friend at a time in life that seemed everything that could go wrong did. Our fairly typical middle-class Canadian life had been suddenly turned upside down with strange circumstances leading to a bankruptcy, a messy divorce of a family member, a sudden death in the family, cancer of another family member, and a whole host of other unusual stresses over a period of about 9 months.

During this time my husband Joe and I were new in our Christian faith. We had also moved to a new city for a couple years to pursue some work opportunities before our daughter started school, so were away from everything familiar. Looking back on that time, I’d say it was likely the real-life equivalent of flapping about like fish out of water grasping for air to stay alive in the sudden storm of circumstances we found ourselves in.

The simple question about what we’d like a friend to pick up for us at the beach, as though she was going to the grocery store caught me off guard. The answer that blurted out of my mouth without thought, gave rise to a brief snicker, along with an inquisitive glance to each other, essentially saying, ‘what an odd thing to say.’

I told our friend, that I’d love a heart-shaped rock if she could find one. My response might as well, have been, that I’d love her to pick up a dozen eggs, and I’d pay her when she brought them to me. Neither of us skipped a beat in this brief dialogue. But it was that simple, matter-of-fact, conversation, that turned out to become the start of an incredible journey, full of many wonderful, simple memories of ongoing and overflowing ‘quiet abundance’.

I had never even thought of heart-shaped rocks before this conversation, nor did I even know that there might be such a thing.

I know different now. In fact, it turns out that many people have heart-shaped rocks they collect.

Our friend who gave us the 1st in what is now a significant heart rock collection didn’t know at the time, that all around us life seemed to be falling apart and we were barely hanging on to what was left of our ‘normal’ lifestyle.

For our family, this simple question, and the almost perfect heart-shaped rock gift that our friend found on the beach, has now grown into bucket loads of heart rocks, as well as many heart rock gifts given to others over the years.

Once you see them, they are everywhere!

For us, they are reminders of the abundance of love all around us.

God, the creator or heaven, earth and the giver of life and everything good, is love, so when the heart rock treasures, we find in creation appear at just the right times, they have become messengers of His love to anyone looking.

Not long after the initial heart rock gift, Joe called me on his way home from work one evening. It was late so I was already in bed. He simply said, “I’ve got something for you. You’re going to love it.”

When he came home, he was grunting and groaning, straining under the weight of something heavy. There was a loud thump on the floor, so I bounded downstairs to discover he had brought me a big rock!

It wasn’t a diamond-type rock – but might as well have been.

He had found a heart-shaped boulder at the side of the road near where he parked. It’s probably just under 2 feet wide and is definitely heavier than I can lift. What’s most fun about this giant heart rock is that it glistens in the light.

This was over 2 decades ago and has become a cornerstone of every place we’ve lived since.

The smallest heart rock in our collection is perhaps only a quarter inch in size. We find them in every colour, texture and size.

Once you begin to spot the hearts on the ground, you’ll quickly see them in other formats as well. We have found shells, wood, leaves, and even a coffee spill shaped like a heart. They seem to appear as constant reminders that Love is everywhere; Love triumphs over any circumstance; and Love is all there is!

Initially we kept our growing collection of heart rocks on a plate, then in a jar, a bigger jar, several jars, buckets, ledges, outside, inside, and pretty much everywhere. One of our favourite personal collections is a large steal bowl where you can see many of the small ones lining the sides. When you visit (and even for us living here), they are like little treasures you can find on shelves, window frames and even the floor, much like you find them outside.

The growing collection has inspired us to consider what we might do with them, so now we enjoy conversations about visions of perhaps a garden path, wall, countertop, or some sort of functional, more permanent structure made with heart rocks.

Most of our heart rock treasures have been found on family or couple walks so they are reminders of simple times we share together with loved ones.

It’s especially fun when one of us arrives home with an unexpected heart rock gift. As I’ve been writing this, Joe has brought me 3 new ones! For me, it’s a gift that never gets old and I love that he finds them when he’s working or running errands and takes the time to pick them up to give me when he comes home!

It’s equally fun to surprise someone with this simple gift as well. Sometimes we give heart rocks just as they are, and sometimes we wrap them up nicely. Other times, we’ve painted or written a special message or verse on a larger one as a gift or housewarming ‘cornerstone’ for friends.

I tell this story, because too often we associate abundance with money or wealth. Wealth is a subjective term, as in it’s relative to the eye of the beholder. Words are a reflection of what’s in our heart that flow from thoughts and produce actions. Simple, seemingly insignificant comments can (and sadly often do) have a long-lasting impact. Unfortunately, negative words seem to show up more frequently and last longer. We have found that simply recognizing the ‘hearts’ all around us has provided a wonderful opportunity to overflow blessings with lasting positive impact.

Quiet, or simple abundance, exists everywhere in God’s creation as treasures for us to find and share. The phrase, ‘hearts of stone’ usually has a negative connotation because we’ve heard it used that way and it has formed a knowledge memory in our thoughts. When we shift our perspective and begin to see and hear things differently, we begin to see and experience and look for more of the good all around us!

Our ‘hearts of stone’ collections and stories have inspired others to look for and share them as well, creating a kind of inspiration and encouragement of a quiet abundance that multiplies beyond measure – just like the God who gives them to us in the first place.

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The Brightest Star And The New Birth

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night 😊

Just over a year ago a dear friend, mentor and ‘surrogate papa’ ended his life through medical assistance in dying. Only seven weeks before this he had received a cancer diagnosis and because he was still grieving the passing of his wife a year before he said to me, “Sam, as long as I knew my life had meant something to you, then I’m ok to go be with Jesus.”

He had been working towards investing in the vision we have to develop a retreat centre on our property and after his diagnosis began to make plans to have the significant portion of his estate directed toward this vision.

What happened next, I believe in many ways highlights situations that have impacted, and are impacting too many people’s lives right now: deception, and lost friendships, hopes, finances, dreams, health, and loved ones…

My long-time friend, confidant, prayer warrior, and ‘surrogate’ family member cut me and others who were praying life for him; he signed his assets over to someone who’s business was somehow a about Justin Trudeau’s government programs with Chinese businesses somehow – who knows; and our friend declined medical treatment and ended up in hospice for pain relief?

The person who became his trusted source for making decisions was the person connected to the government and China. This story isn’t about China at all, it’s about how easily it is for someone to be deceived when they are in an emotional state of anxiety, grief, and isolation.

The new ‘trusted source’ was known to our friend so was a familiar face. They offered practical assistance and support and made themselves available 24/7 to take him to medical appointments, etc. Once in hospice, the ‘care-giver’ sent emails trying to convince his friends that the most compassionate thing we could do was to support him in his decision to die. This person was also the witness on the euthanasia document, despite rules that are supposed to stop anyone with a financial interest in influencing a decision to end a life…There are so many parallels in our personal story to what we see and hear with families under the influence of the ‘trusted media’ and government policies that are stealing, killing, and destroying wealth, health, relationships and essentially leading people to give up everything they have worked for and hoped for, to live a life of isolation, more or less waiting to die in ‘hospice’-type environment.

Why start a Christmas message with such a heavy story?

This was the catalyst for to seek new revelation!

This is the catalyst for many people around the world to see the world we’ve been living in from a fresh perspective!!

In my case, I was desperate to know God in deeper ways, and I wanted to know who I was in His Kingdom because I was tired of loss, stress, struggle, and the seemingly endless public health measures, and political lobbying against the life we thought we had in Canada – and most places around the world!

Life wasn’t making sense! I wanted answers!

I set aside religious, financial, political, scientific and pretty much anything I thought was real, and the result has been nothing short of miraculous!!

2021 will likely be remembered as the year of awakening.

Awakening to who we are, who God is, and how we all function in the world around us in relation to creation.

What we’re experiencing as a global population, is nothing short of mind blowing – which is actually a good thing because our eyes and ears are realizing that what and how we thought, might not be what we thought 🙂

It’s nothing like we could have ever imagined a year ago – but wow there is an incredible future ahead!!

For me, I have hardly left the house, and I joke that I might forget how to drive the car. That’s ok though because some of the amazing things I learned this year is about hidden and new technologies – one of which is the flying car. I have no idea how it will work, but I sure like the idea of a car that doesn’t destroy the environment, and that (from what I’ve seen) will drive itself and not bump into things – haha

Somehow, instead of being isolated and alone, I have I have new friendships all around the world that feel like we’ve known each other our whole lives.

My heart is overflowing with warmth, passion, purpose and joy – despite the circumstances that seem impossible and many still feel could be heading for a catastrophic outcome.

One of these new friends I jokingly refer to as ‘the abundance guy’. He connects people and he shares stories and wisdom. He inspires you to think beyond.

He wrote a book that’s available on Amazon called, ‘The Rise of the Abundance Economy’.

He had several people contribute to his book and I am honoured that beginning on page 137 the concept for mVillage Sovereign Communities is featured.

A week or so ago, we received the following message from him:

“Sam and Adrian,

I have been lurking on your SWA Zoom calls and following your progress. The Lord is breathing life into your shared vision and I see a “birthing” in 2022..

I would like to sow into your Kingdom business a pdf copy of my recent book, The Rise of the Abundance Economy; A Spiritual Journey as told by Dr. Gary L. Sorensen. (attachment below).

You have the freedom to use all or parts of the book as you feel directed. Specifically, if you offer it for a donation to SWA or mVillage, perhaps the funds might be used as seed money for your treasury.

I look forward to the wonderful reports I will receive as you develop your road map to the Kingdom on the Earth.

Live Blessed in the Abundance of Christmas Blessings,


I titled this message ‘The Brightest Star and The New Birth’ in part because of Gary’s message gift.

Here is a link to the PDF of his book as he mentioned.

If you’d like to contribute seed money towards the treasury as he mentions, you can use my paypal link and it will go towards this purpose.

In 2009 my family was introduced to a documentary on the Star of Bethlehem which has become an annual tradition for us to watch. The ‘wise’ men took action to seek out the baby king because the signs in the stars told them. We haven’t been taught much about the signs in the heavens, despite the beginning of Genesis and the end of Revelation, and many times throughout scripture referencing them. Psalm 19-1-4 tells us “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. 3 They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. 4 Yet their voice[b] goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world…”

In 2021 much deception was uncovered. I discovered quite quickly the spiritual and physical parallels that tell an incredible story of who God is, and who we are in his creation. I learned how a secret shadow government has used religion, language, science, education, technology, and even hidden history to keep us from knowing YWHY, creator, source of all creation and everything good, including His plan of salvation and how His son, Yahshua (Jesus), showed us everything about who we are and how we all function together in love. It’s so much more than anything I had ever imagined.

This is the reason for the hope, joy and love that makes no sense to a rational mind – yet is so real.

The end of the world is the end of the age of control by the great deceiver. Revelation isn’t doomsday for mankind; it’s the end of an age told in the stars the moment creation was breathed into existence. At the end of the age we’ve been living in is a new age and we are a generation who get’s to experience the transition as Yahshua tells us, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” He also describes himself as ‘the bright morning star’ in Revelation 22:16.

Alpha, Omega, and the Bright Morning Stars all reference signs in the stars. The brightest star anyone had ever seen ushered in the birth of Christ. For several years now, the stars have been showing an abundance of signs that the new age is upon us. We are the descendants who are as numerous as the stars, and sand. We are the children YHWH promised to inherit the land that He created in the beginning and is experiencing a new birth now!

May His Grace, Peace, and great Love be with you this season, and always,

It is my great honour to be with you on this journey!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all an Abundant, Overflowing New Year!!

See you soon!

Sam (& Adrian, the Sovereign Wealth Team) And my wonderful husband, Joe, who is always supportive, and walking every step of this journey with me

PS. Here’s another gift:

Our friend, abundance Gary, compiled stories of Quiet Abundance to share. I contributed 2 of the stories: Hearts of Stone on page 10, and  The $3.79 Christmas on page 30. Enjoy! You can read them here: The $3.79 Christmas Miracle – Restored Hope Today and Hearts of Stone – Restored Hope Today

PPS. Here’s a sneak peak at some of the things I / we have been working on for the next year!

I started working on a new course a few months ago. I’ll have it ready for you to do on your own, and believe it might be fun to go through together as well. If you’re interested in that, send me an email and I’ll schedule a time to do it. This course, like my others will be available for you to contribute financially as you desire. In the meantime, Here’s the

It’s hard to know where to start with all the great things coming together, but here’s what you can look for in the New Year:

Financial Strategies of the Elite, for the Average Person

Developing a 100-year plan

Building and Connecting Sovereign Communities with a Financial Ecosystem to Benefit Everyone all the Time!

Sovereign Master-Minding Events

And, perhaps my favourite: a weeklong immersion and 3-month implementation program to Experience Sovereign Business in Action

Stay tuned in early January for more details!

Make sure you mark your calendars for our next Sovereign Wealth Insights zoom on Saturday, January 8th at 10am PST.

 Finally… Let’s end this year (and this message) with prayer.

With an abundance of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control,

Heavenly Father,

The heavens do declare your Glory.

Your Word does go out throughout all Your creation.

You alone are Yahweh, and nothing compares to your great love.

Your faithfulness reaches beyond the heavens.

You call each of us by name. You number the hairs on our head and wrote about Your good plans and purposes for all.

Abba, I pray that as your Word has shown and told us, that your great and mighty hand will swiftly and suddenly release your Power, that all the pain and loss we’ve endured not just this year, but for generations, is overturned in an instant.

That such a beautiful sound from all Your creation singing ‘holy holy holy’ is heard now and forever more – on earth as it is in heaven.

Finally, but definitely not least, I pray, Father, for those who have lost loved ones; lost work, hopes, dreams and finances. I pray that all is restored to immeasurably more than any of us can even ask or think according to your great Power at work within us; for Yours is the Power and the Glory, forever and ever – So it is according to the covenant confirmed by the shed blood of Your Son, Your Holy Spirit alive in us, and our confession of Faith in you alone as God of all, always, and all ways!

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Evidence of Things Hoped For

What do you hope for?

What is the reason behind the thing you hope for?

Is the thing you hope for tangible and measurable?

Are your hopes moving you towards something or away from something?

These are important issues.

These are the foundation of making any kind of decision that has a financial impact….

… Every decision, whether we agree or not, will have some financial impact.

Adam and Eve lacked nothing in the garden. They only knew good even though evil was present.

The deception was that if they ate of the tree of knowledge, they’d know both good and evil, so that they would be like God who was providing for all their needs.

When God sent them out of the garden mankind had to use his own strength and intellect to provide for his needs.

The issue then is the same as it is now – provision for needs – in our modern world we call that money or finance.

The tool of the enemy from Genesis to Revelation has been financial control for every area impacting life. They system used is political manipulation of knowledge – knowledge is communicated with language into every area of life.

If you say finances don’t matter, you’re giving away your God-given power to the enemy. That God-given power is to be one with the Creator of heaven and earth. We know that was dealt with on the cross over 2000 years ago, yet still we speak and operate independent mindsets that compete for work, clients, property, assets, rate of returns, opportunities, etc.

With this context, this week on our Sovereign Wealth Insights Zoom meeting, Saturday, November 6th at 10am PST discussing crypto currencies.

Register to get the zoom link at

Why do we need the firm foundation about God and money before discussing crypto?

Quite simply, because the financial tool as we’re experiencing today with the war on humanity, is the shift out of the debt-based central banking system of slavery and into God’s Kingdom Promised Land.  We need to have our eyes firmly on good, in order to immediately identify the counterfeit! If we focus on the evil, we’ll end up thinking, speaking and acting evil which will give power (substance) in the spirit and natural world to the very thing we don’t want.

A digital currency that continues the debt slavery will accelerate crimes against humanity and plunge the world into unthinkable tribulation.

A digital currency that is backed by tangible assets and traded on a private secure platform that isn’t depleting the world of massive resources in order to fuel energy needs for massive computer data centres is a totally different matter!

Because as we continue this journey together in many ways we’re learning almost everything about the life we’ve lived so far new… including how to talk, and do everyday transactions…

As it is today, deceit, using language to empower illegal governments and laws, in the natural as well as in the spiritual realm, has brought untold torture, pain and poverty to far too many people unnecessarily!

The central banking system has funded wars, laundered drug money, paid for human sex and slave trafficking and child sacrifice beyond anything any of us can even begin to imagine.

A fully digital version of this debt slave system would enable the pure evil to prosper…

Which means we would be enabling the evil because we decided we didn’t want to know, or that it was to painful to look at… Even though we’ve heard, Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children”, it’s easier to quote, Isaiah 54:19, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord”, while continuing to look at the plans of the enemy and talk about all this horrible stuff ‘that’s coming’!

UGH – James 3:4-5 is only one of many scriptures that tell us the power of the tongue, “And a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong. In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire” (NLT).

Speaking hope emphasizes God’s goodness and life. When we partner with the pirated language of the sea, we are speaking and reinforcing death. These are important details because the details have led us to this point, and will lead humanity out of the mindset of Egypt under the Babylonian system of political and financial control.

As we discussed in previous Sovereign Wealth Insights discussions, words are not just elements of speech or writing. When words are spoken out loud they transform thoughts into sound, frequency, and vibration. Words carry information which plays an important role for communication. Without information we have a hard time learning things and communicating with each other. Because words carry information, sound, frequency, and vibration, they play a very important role in our lives.

Words are used to harness the power of energy in the atmosphere.

Human beings did not always rely on words to communicate. Did you know we have the ability to communicate telepathically? Isn’t that how we sometimes ‘just know’ something? Or how we immediately know when the ‘mood’ in a room is joyful or full of stress?

The concept of language as recorded in the account of the Tower of Babel when you look at the original symbolic meanings of the original languages, you learn how language is a function of DNA, which as it turns out is pulled apart chromosomes, which is how we get so called ‘junk DNA’ – but that’s for another day…

Dark Forces under the influence of fallen demonic beings have used language as one of their tools to enslave us. We know that English has evolved to be the language of shipping and commerce (finance) so knowledge, understanding and wisdom tell us that we, as God’s children, have the ability to impact the energy in the spiritual atmosphere, for good, or not…

If we consider the Dark Forces to be a sort of a cosmic “virus”, then we know that has a sort of pseudo intelligence that wants to infect all living things in the Universe with its psychopathic thoughts and death science ideology by mimicking or attempting to copy God – in order to be like God.

The good news is that this ‘virus’ can only infect us when we live in a state of ignorance, fear, hatred, and irresponsibility. This is especially important when we consider the spirit behind financial decisions and transactions.

As we learn to live peaceably with one another and heal our bodies and activate our higher frequency so to speak, the so called junk DNA will increase beyond the limit of this worthless ‘virus’, making us immune to it – like Adam and Eve were in the garden!!

In a community that prospers (see Jeremiah 29:7), there is nothing hidden, nothing lacking and freedom reigns! In a dead corporate political world, everything is hidden behind a façade of safety and intimidation, and we end up living in a constant state of lack, where ‘survival of the fittest fuels competition, self-focus, and independent thinking.

A glimpse into the origin of the word ‘person’ gives some clues about the dual meaning of words… “from Latin persona “human being, person, personage; a part in a drama, assumed character,” originally “a mask, a false face,”…

If we think this doesn’t matter, then why does some historical language matter, and others don’t? Look further at the evolution of the word ‘person’: “From mid-13c. as “one of the persons of the Trinity,” a theological use in Church Latin of the classical word. Meanings “one’s physical being, the living body; external appearance” are from late 14c. In grammar, “one of the relations which a subject may have to a verb,” from 1510s. In legal use, “corporate body or corporation other than the state and having rights and duties before the law,” 15c., short for person aggregate (c. 1400), person corporate (mid-15c.). The use of -person to replace -man in compounds for the sake of gender neutrality or to avoid allegations of sexism is recorded by 1971 (in chairperson). In person “by bodily presence” is from 1560s.

When you look further look at the related word to the word ‘person’, that of the word ‘parson’, you get an interesting perspective that also leads us to where we are today, and an answer that many people don’t see because we have lost the historical records and have been operating within a corporate, political system which has used a version of the English language to steal the land and profit from its resources using the people of the land as chattel (slaves) to profit the corporate system.

Parson, “late 13c., person (late 12c. as a surname), “parish priest” (later often applied to a clergyman in general), from Anglo-French and Old French persone “curate, parson, holder of Church office” (12c.), from Medieval Latin persona “parson” (see person). The reason for the ecclesiastical use is obscure; it might refer to the “person” legally holding church property, or it may be an abbreviation of persona ecclesiae “person of the church.” The shift to a spelling with -a- begins late 13c. in surnames”. []

History matters.
Finance matters.
Language matters.

In a Kingdom environment, cultural and common interest communities have their own judicial functions that apply to the unique identity of their people and needs.

An alliance of united communities hire people with expertise to administer functions that are common to all the communities so they expand their opportunities and strength. Currency, for example, is connected to the value of the land which is owned by the people of the individual and united communities. The hired administrators assist with technical and international relations so that all people prosper and multiply the goodness of their natural resource and individual contributions and prosperity.

In Canada, this is the initiative of the Peoples of the Salmon. It benefits all of the citizens of the land, with overflow to benefit other nations.

Find out how you can support this incredible initiative at and join us Saturday as we focus on issues relating to the new world of digital currencies.

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Facebook Clues to Freedom Breakthrough

October 29, 2021

I’ve started to see a lot of really negative posts on what Facebook’s new branding means. As you review the list below, as well as other messages pouring through the various social media and ‘freedom’ networks, here’s a few things for you to consider. As a disclaimer though, I’m not saying one way or the other, I’m ‘trying’ to show you how to see and hear another perspective so knowledge, understanding and wisdom can be activated by the Spirit of Faith, Hope and Love within can guide your mind to discern and experience the Peace that surpasses all understanding!

Who’s winning? Good or evil? 2/3 good to 1/3 fallen is how I read it in scripture.

What’s the reason for the ‘battle’? Babylon is the same word as Babel, which is the twisted network for political and financial control which is the result of a collective deception that has fallen under an ‘Egyptian’, scientific mindset that sets about studying the natural in order to ‘be like God’. This includes a ‘Roman’ political empire system where a ‘shadow government’ has taken control of the resources of the land using pirated admiralty law, legal English (as opposed to common English), and corporate systems to steal the wealth and enslave the people.

We are living through a modern-day exodus where the wealth of the wicked is being returned to the people! The debt slavery FIAT, central banking system is being replaced by true wealth. This event has been foretold for thousands of years, in the Hebrew Mazzaroth (zodiac calendar), and was taught by Jesus in the Gospels. Religion has been used for political division in order to hide and villainize truth about the end of the age of evil! Doomsday theology is a modern invention where ‘apocalypse’ which means ‘revelation’, was twisted to convey the end of the world as we know it into some cataclysmic event for mankind, instead of what scripture says, which is that this is the end times of this evil Babylonian shadow government debt-slavery system!!

All wars have been started for financial control. The control is found in the land and the people to work the land to produce profits. Part of this system of control uses corporate structures for government, media, education, medicine, food production, energy, technology, and every area of life. This current central banking system has taken control of assets this way and replaced anything of value with debt. This has enabled theft of finances as well as privacy which has facilitated money laundering, human trafficking, child sacrifice, slavery, drugs, and untold destruction on countries, industries, and humanity.

Theft of the human soul has been the result. We are made in the likeness and image of God, the creator of heaven and earth, in order that we may multiply his great love, power and creativity on earth. The evil has lied about history, who God is, who we are, and has been systematically destroying lives, spying, medicating, and enslaving humans for generations and generations! Ask yourself, who wins? And, if you’d like some tangible, 1st hand testimony of this, check out the military operations of Project Looking Glass. Here’s a good introduction as a start:

With this as a backdrop, we know that the evil is using media and tech to ‘try’ to continue their evil agenda, despite overwhelming evidence that they have no valid reason anywhere for what they’re doing. What we’re seeing is the remaining media and political puppets who are still holding on to the fake money system and bribery to continue to enforce the lies. That means the only power they have is worthless and powerless against the truth.

A couple weeks ago the world experienced 2 massive shut downs of Facebook and Instagram which are the largest social networks. This tech mega system has algorithms that have been actively harvesting data, censoring and manipulating information and actions for years, including facilitating child and human trafficking. They have been aggressively promoting and expanding their censorship as we’ve experienced this past year. When they shut down and shortly afterward here’s a sampling of what we’ve seen:

  • For a brief period during the shut down, the URL was listed for sale – an obvious signal that the ‘good guys’ put out to anyone looking that basically said, ‘na na na na boo boo – we got this’
  • Zillions of dollars was lost during the shut down and the official explanations for why the shut down occurred were like a bunch of techy sounding words strung together that made no sense even to a novice tech person like myself.
  • When Facebook was back online President Trump’s page came back with it – lol another ‘sign’ that the good guys were in control.
  • Facebook produced a couple new ads with messaging that was very different about their purpose and intention to support community.
  • Mark Zuckerberg has always been very very protective of the name. The announcement of the new name and branding almost immediately after the shut down seem more likely to line up with the good guys intention to minimize the losses to the general population and signal a new era in communications not controlled for political purposes.
  • I’m sure there’s more we can discover when we look at the name itself, but for the time being…
  • I personally had a video censored on youtube, but was offered to be promoted on Facebook, so it seems like we should be keeping our eyes on big tech to notice these kinds of anomalies that signal a big shift coming our way – a big positive shift towards freedom!!
  • The addition of the ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ songs at the top of iTunes seem to be another indication that tech as we’ve known it is changing. Apple is likely being, or has also, come under control of the ‘good guys’ – praying for this for sure!

Finally, as you keep looking, it’s obvious that the fear messaging among the ‘truth’ or ‘freedom’ network is as strong as that perpetrated by mainstream media towards the population. We all need to intentionally look for the good, focus on the good, and let the Spirit of God within us bear witness so we can strengthen our discernment towards faith, and away from fear. Fear is the enemy we know – so it provides a great trigger to look and listen for the 2/3 good messengers working with us and for us to bring about the end of the age, and beginning of the new age!!

The biggest challenge we all face today is putting all the little pieces of information we have gathered throughout our lives and especially throughout the last year and half or more since the beginning of the great awakening. None of us have all the answers or details, but at some point, something happens when we can be like Elisha’s servant our eyes and ears will see the vast army of good all around us! I’m singing and dancing in celebration of what God is doing – what He’s already done, that we’re just watching come to completion. I’m praying for the acceleration of the eradication of the evil and the big ‘God moment’ when the red sea collapses on the Egyptian army of false doctrine (lies), and the deceitful media and political puppets are swallowed up, so we can focus on rebuilding, healing and implementing new technologies, infrastructure and peaceful lives in the promised land of God’s goodness!

I hope and pray you’ll join me!!


UPDATE – More Facebook Insights…

On November 29th I posted on my blog at some thoughts about critically looking at what’s been happening with Facebook for a couple weeks since their first massive outage.

One of the telegram channels I follow described the name change this way:

“There is a new information that Facebook is changing their name to “Meta”.
Meta which is a word of Greek origin means post mortem or after death. Also on Hebrew Meta means dead. It appears that Zuckerberg is subconsciously brainwashing us with all these meanings so that we would memorize it and repeat it everyday. In Esotery the name Meta has a strict black magic meaning and effect, which connects to the realm of dead. Of course this is just a part of their dark psychological movement on humanity (@electricbeings789).

I also saw someone reference the Facebook Fake-checkers with this today:

So, here’s my question?

Are all these things pointing to Facebook, and the social media and tech we’ve known that monitors, manipulates and censors, that perhaps it’s what’s ‘dead’?

The volume of strange ‘clues’ signal something – either the ‘bad guys’ are winning and there’s no place to hide? Or, perhaps the ‘good guys’ have won, and these things are telling us!!

I’ve been sharing a lot of clues and signals on my telegram channel and forum. That’s where I’m most active if you want to follow more ‘real time’.

In the meantime, we pray, we believe, and we walk in confident faith, that the substance of what we hoped for is near!!

Immeasurably More,


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