Here we go… Are you Ready for Better than Expected?

So many plans we make in our heart…

Then there are 2 choices we make about fulfilling those plans:  conscious or subconscious.

As you begin to see and experience the world from a quantum, harmoniously connected energetic perspective, you quickly realize that we are both receiving and transmitting energy all the time. We receive information from the invisible field around us and we broadcast how we perceive that information through our thoughts that then resonate throughout our body as e-motions.

These powerful truths are seen throughout nature and all of creation. They are also measured by scientific research. Everything – literally EVERYTHING in the uni-verse (one sound) is spiraling and intertwined. It’s a beautiful thing where higher, smoother vibrations produce a harmonious and beautiful love resonance. Another way to see this is ‘you in the verse’, or you in the universal sound of creation.

The flip side however, is that lower, denser, vibrations produce irritation, destruction and fear resonance with an ultimate end of separation from this harmony and death.

We are experiencing the end of the world as we have known it.

Everyone alive can feel it, even if they don’t really know the details of what’s going on.

The energy in the atmosphere is almost tangible on many days as the battle for the mind and soul of humans is at stake. Why? Because we are far more powerful in creation than we have experienced, yet controlling powers who function as political, religious, educational, medical, scientific and other institutions do know.

When our programming is influenced by fear, our subconscious will resonate at lower vibrations. This will spiral in the quantum field of vibrations to attract more of these lower vibrational experiences which reinforce unconscious belief systems.

This negative, unharmonious environment is what we have all lived under for generations, believing that it was normal and that we could individually, consciously ‘do’ something to change our lives to live in harmony with our dreams and desires.

This might have been possible for some, however, the conscious mind represents only a small portion of the thoughts we vibrate / broadcast into the universe. (I say ‘might have’ because as we move into the new era, everyone has equal opportunity to pursue their unique passions and purposed, unencumbered by limitations set by the current controlling systems).

The subconscious is what runs your life on autopilot and ultimately what determines your outcome.

Knowing that all of creation is connected and circular is an extremely powerful knowledge because it shows you how all of creation is ‘crying out’ (energetically vibrating, broadcasting) that a new cycle of life is upon us!

We are not headed into a world of slavery and planetary destruction!!

The controlling world powers are losing power, NOT gaining it.

Conscious knowledge isn’t enough to discern this though.

The hidden, subconscious discernment and reactivation of your human intuition (your spiritual super human powers) is required to discern truth that has been veiled behind the lower vibrational world we believed was ‘normal’.

The world around us has been increasing its frequency for many years. This knowledge has been foretold for eons in the stars!

The more harmonious, higher frequencies awaken our dormant DNA and give us knowledge and insight we to see behind the veil that the lower frequencies have caused.

This will lead to both a spiritual innerstanding and an intellectual comprehension of areas of life you previously hadn’t even considered or known about.

Are you ready to step into the new era?

Are you still unsure what that means?

Are you thinking we’re heading into a global meltdown of some sort before we can dig ourselves out from under the controlling shadow governments and debt-based financial systems we’ve lived under?

I’m really hoping, praying, believing that you’re sensing, feeling, preparing forthe greatest transfer of power and wealth the world has ever known.

It is officially, publicly undeniable at this point.

If you haven’t seen it, then you aren’t looking with your spiritual eyes and your conscious mind is leading you to follow the spiral of fear, doubt and uncertainty!

I don’t mean to be rude or blunt, but when you partner with negative, skeptical, fear based beliefs you are subconsciously actually fuelling the very thing we all don’t want – destruction of our planet and freedoms!

There are millions of people who have been seeing and listening to the signs all around us and KNOW that the time is NOW!

Freedom beyond anything we could have asked or imagined is upon us!!

If you’re not sure, or not aware of any of this, encourage you to adopt a different perspective as quickly as possible so you can be at the forefront of this wealth transfer that will help move us globally into out next phase – healing, restoration, recovery of millions of years of lost history, technology, knowledge…

For my part, I have so much to share and am excited to share with you. And I will…

Except, the energetic invisible spiritual realm has also been brutally clear that me working on the computer like I have at this time is not for now.

As I’ve been sharing, this has been quite an arduous process and decision. I am finally taking steps to leave behind almost all of my web based assets as it’s become obvious that continuing to pour mental and financial energy towards maintaining the subscriptions is just not healthy for me at this time.

That’s not saying I won’t be sharing at all – it’s saying, there are changes happening and in this case, I’ve determined that the next door will appear after I do some clean up to let go of some old systems. 

I’m looking forward to what doors will open, as well as how and when, but after this email I am cancelling my subscription to the service that has provided automation, web pages and more. I am keeping my blog and will still be able to communicate by email through a different provider. I will also continue and perhaps even increase my social media sharing.

Beyond that there is a grand future awaiting all of us, and I know that we are connected whether or not we have all the fancy tools, and marketing services that have been our technological connections in the past few decades.

Here is the link to access my various active platforms for where to find me in the interim.

I most definitely am looking forward to staying connected. Just know that many of my websites and links will no longer work after today.

Sending much love and abundance always and all ways and see you soon!!

The future is very bright and we are experiencing it together!!
