A New Era Begins

Has it ever felt like your whole life you’ve been told something like ‘you can’t do that’, ‘if you do this you’ll fail’, ‘if you don’t do this you’ll never make it’, ‘you’re not good enough’, or some variation telling you there’s a right or wrong way to live your life?

The invisible judge between good and bad, right and wrong, brings with it an element of fear always present reminding you that if you choose wrong you’ll be on the losing side of an invisible line for how to live life (and death).

What if there was a different way to make decisions?

One based on a vibration of love, life and liberty?

The phrase, ‘everything is energy’ is very profound. Even rocks can be measured for their vibrational frequency. These words and letters you’re reading now are symbols that communicate an energetic response.

When this concept settles in your spirit you realize how we are all connected to each other and all creation.

You also begin to realize how the world has been divided – not just with ‘good and bad’, but with ‘you vs me’ and ‘them vs us’.

We judge ourselves, others, and the world around us based on cultural conditioning that is locked in our subconscious and within the very cells of our bodies.

This happens because we have been taught to see ourselves and aspects of our lives as independent. In fact, we’ve been taught for example, that we have to ‘earn a living’ which is saying you aren’t worth living if you don’t ‘earn’. This creates a world that is automatically limited, competitive, and controlled by the makers and keepers of the money.

The word ‘earn’ comes from burial ceremonies and the word ‘urn’. The sound and vibration of the 2 words is the same even though we interpret them through our mind differently. This vibration matters, whether we realize it or not.

Here’s the good news though:

The old financial system based on worthless fiat debt money is being cleansed to remove all centralized control and return power and wealth to the people. You don’t have to see it necessarily, but we all feel it in one way or another. Financial changes are evident everywhere and with them there is much uncertainty.

Uncertainty is just another word for a layer of fear caused by missing or misinformation which leads us to project possible future outcomes based on past, or perceived experiences.

But, when you know where we’ve been and where we’re going, you will also find the season we’re in as human beings living on earth at this time is the beginning of a new golden era of freedom and abundance!

This knowledge will raise your vibration above fear, doubt and uncertainty by triggering hope, optimism, and much excitement for something we couldn’t even imagine a short while ago.

What if all our needs and desires were provided for before we were born, and instead of being taught how to ‘earn our life’, we were shown how to connect with the power within us to create something worthwhile that contributed to our personal satisfaction and improved the lives of others and all creation?

We would want to connect with people who shared similar passions, right?

We would recognize anything that separated us from our true selves because it would inherently bring with it a type of judgement – a fear that we might make a wrong choice.

But, when you know we are all connected, energetic beings, you see unlimited possibilities, not limitations.

I tell you all this because for the past several months I have received and processed revelation on topics I didn’t even know existed – all of which have given me such optimism that I really am planning to live forever; planning a whole new life!

The new revelations have caused me to revisit priorities and almost everything I thought was real and true a few short months ago.

Language and symbolism are key. They are much more profound than simply something used for communication and identification. We have been delivered a reality based on a literal, logical, material representation of what we see or think we see. This reality highlights the masculine energy, and has minimized the intuitive feminine energy in all of us. I’m not talking about male and female. I’m talking about logic vs emotion, intellect vs intuition, tangible vs intangible, facts vs feelings, etc.

There is another way.

Knowledge and development of both masculine and feminine energies has been downplayed, and in some cases, vilified or deemed demonic in yet another form of separation – those who have the secret information, and those who are given the information. Our access to information determines how we see ourselves and the world we live in.

For the past few years, many of us have been rapidly absorbing new information being delivered through various energetic channels.

We are collectively moving towards a higher vibrational world as the sun and earth shift their vibrations, which in turn cause our bodies to respond differently to different inputs. We are able to receive information differently, and in turn we’re able to also broadcast information differently which contributes to higher vibrations all around. Our mind might not recognize anything different, but our energetic state will lead us through the vibrational world we live in so we are able to receive new knowledge which unlocks areas of our mind and body that have been dormant for most of our lives. We are then able to absorb and share these higher vibrations of love, joy, peace…

Higher vibrations are above fear and limitation.

They are not derived from man-made constructs. They lead us to true freedom!

I shared on my Instagram and Facebook recently that I am excited for the future and looking forward to connecting with others who also would like to plan to live forever and contribute to renewing the world in the process.

Someone asked me why I say that?

I will write the answer in what I expect will be my next book likely to be called ‘Loving You First’.

While I’m doing that however, I have known for a couple weeks now, that it’s time to share more of the incredible revelations I’ve experienced, and to develop relationships with other world changers!

After I went offline, a few people connected with me and we have been actively investing and participating in our new quantum financial system. This has produced incredible insight and I/we look forward to assisting others as the system prepares to go live worldwide anytime now.

I’ve also become more interested in wholistic health including nourishing, strengthening and moving our bodies and the environment around us.

Collectively we have entered a whole new era of humanity and earth, and behind the scenes we know that very soon the entire planet will be liberated from thousands of years of oppression. When this happens, there will be much healing and rebuilding because not everyone is ready for what’s coming. Information about our current life, over many lifetimes, and what this new era means for our future is all being revealed.

When you know what’s coming you too will be keen to become stronger mentally, physically, spiritually, and environmentally. You too, will be keen to develop your worldwide relationships with people to share this next chapter with to heal, rebuild, restore, and completely renew every area of our life and world.

Stay tuned for more.

Please make sure we’re connected on social media and share my messages with others you know who might be fearful or uncertain about what’s coming.

In the meantime, I created a 12-part series Introducing Sovereign Wealth that is available online at no charge. The more time goes by, the more I believe I should have, could have, would have done well encouraging more people to go through the lessons. They are lay out the foundation for key areas of revelation and information for moving beyond what has been to what will be. The series is available at no charge, but donations for the work are much appreciated!

You can find all my links as well as projects and products I’m working with now at www.sampiercy.com.

Sending love and abundance,


Truth Destroys Lies

Break Free From Financial Deception

Have you heard the term ascension as it relates to a worldwide event called the Great Awakening?

Ascension is a rising up – in awareness (knowledge), hence the term ‘great awakening’. Knowledge is the catalyst that then triggers physiological shifts in your body as your head and heart come into a level of alignment that previously had to be reconciled with one or the other ‘winning out’ – ie. Either the emotions of the heart were appeased to bring a sensation of peace and joy, or the intellectual understanding of situations were the guide for pursuing peace and joy through rational analysis of circumstances and knowledge.

Religion, media, education and commerce have attempted to establish ideologies to fill the gap between heart and head with understandings of faith and the world we live in, and with spiritual and emotional experiences.

The process of ascension or awakening is different for everyone, but the concept is the same: some event triggers a revelation of knew knowledge. Revelation knowledge produces an understanding in your heart based on your previous knowledge and experiences.

When we are confronted with new knowledge we have a choice to accept, reject, or continue to process what we just learned.

In reality, we are always processing what we learn, and historical events and knowledge remain in memory regardless of whether they are top of mind at any given moment in time. This means that when we seek answers our past is a factor whether we realize it or not, in whether we choose to accept of reject what we learn based on how much the ego of our intellect, or conscious awareness of our heart ultimately processes the information.

I say this as an introduction, because whatever you call the events happening on the planet over the past couple years, there is no denying that changes are occurring based on information available, and what information is accepted and acted on.

Family and friends have been divided over information like never before – forgetting that for our whole lives we’ve had differences of opinions and still been able to communicate with the majority of people we meet at least on a cordial basis.

What happened?

The energetic connection between the head and heart is what happened.

Many people are bypassing their ego and intellect so new information can settle in their heart. This has brought about an opportunity for enlightenment (revelation) to occur. This has further made it possible for new ideas to enter their minds. New ideas bring further enlightenment which has simultaneously made it possible for many people to experience an energetic ascension as their mind and heart come into union.

What has been separated through religious beliefs and cultural conditioning has through new revelation, enabled previous limitations based on knowledge to be exposed so new possibilities can be expanded.

What this means, is that one enlightened revelation will physiologically make it possible for more revelation, which will continue to expand not just your thinking, but your body’s ability to receive knowledge through your heart from more than just your physical senses.

This happens because we have been taught to function in a material world where knowledge and our physical senses look to interpret the world literally. The exact opposite is to view the world intuitively through our ‘sixth sense’ which is how we connect energetically with the world around us.

My personal experience…

You may or may not have noticed that I went quiet a couple weeks ago.

For a couple months as my excitement grew, so did my physical energy, and along with it, a growing challenge of sitting in front of a computer.

I am extremely grateful and very excited for the amazing people I have met online, I have learned to do things with technology that I didn’t want to, or think I could do, but personally for many years I have pushed to work online, not been drawn into it as others are.

A couple weeks ago, I realized I could no longer push through with my intellect and rational mind to work online for hours at a time.

I love connecting person-to-person. I love being able to use technology to communicate and share. But, the time to prepare, format, file, follow-up, etc. at this particular time seems to be telling me to take a break. I have poured out for months on end to share the information that has given me such great hope and excitement for our future – our very near future!! It seems my sixth sense is telling me that my heart needs some refilling, it’s pulling me to be more physically active – something I have set aside for a long time as I continued to do my work online!

Breaking Free From Financial Deception

Once my eyes were open to the depth of lies, the categories of deception just kept coming. Each new layer revealed new knowledge, new truths, and with it new power, new hope, and new enthusiasm for life!

This chapter of my personal ‘awakening’ began with the etymology of the first 5 words of the book of Revelation, then to the etymology of Genesis 1:1.

My life was changed as I saw how the literalist historical interpretation we have lived with in our materialistic world was very different than the original symbolic, historical interpretation of the words written in any of the biblical languages and translations.

This opened the door to exploring history and quickly discovering how it has been twisted to portray the world in a way that has served a destructive agenda that has used a debt based monetary system, religion, language, and an elaborate corporate political structure to destroy almost everything good.

My new ‘Breaking Free From Financial Deception’ 12-part video series provides an introduction to the various topics that have been impactful in my journey. All the videos and corresponding slides are available online now. There is a huge breadth of information and insight presented in this series.

I believe I was able to discern so many categories of lies, in part because my alternative views and knowledge on finances told me right away that what we were experiencing at the beginning of 2020 was the end of the debt slave system and the beginning of a new era of financial freedom!

You can access the
Breaking Free From Financial Deception series here.

I plan to continue to blog and produce videos, host zooms, and share information online as I’m able, and as requested. I also plan to share more on the depth of revelation to continue to help others in a new book, I’ve been preparing to write for a while now.

In the meantime however, I am taking heed to my hearts desires and will be working with 2 long time friends to transition to whatever my soul has for me to complete in the days, weeks, months, years, and life ahead!

Dar Archie and I will be publishing my books for print and preparing to host a True Wealth Event live when the time is obvious!

I will be providing business and consulting for Heather Johns who will be incorporating the MoneyMinding Abundance training and coaching system into her financial business.

Both Heather and Dar have completed MoneyMinding training from me and we have become friends over the years so I am so thrilled how events and timing are lining up now for these open doors to multiply each of our passions and purposes in ways we have never previously imagined!

Stay tuned. I will share more as I’m able, and in the meantime, here’s the link to the Breaking Free From Financial Deception Series. And please make sure we’re connected on social media! See you soon!!

With much love always and all ways,

PS. The world is changing in incredible ways. We are experiencing the transition from what we thought was good, but was really based on lies, to a new world of good beyond anything we could previously imagine. This is possible as new information on what is true is shared and the false illusions can no longer oppress our power and authority as humans functioning as one with each other and all creation!

Also, if you’ve joined me on the 30-day plank challenge, I’m posting my progress on Instagram – it’s getting fun!! 2:30 minutes today FYI 🙂

Here’s where you can connect with me and support this work:

Paypal Donations: https://paypal.me/TPiercy

https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom and chat group https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters
Signal Group: https://signal.group/#CjQKIMFyJ6Ycs8y6VJdN2-smMNF_pujDnrNo_rbN34idg7EXEhCOH9TJwEmcC9X5YnfsFiV4
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samtpiercy
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter https://rumble.com/c/c-985873
SovereignWealthAlliance https://rumble.com/c/c-1131764
Sam’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw

An Invitation to 1000x More

What does it really mean to believe everything and believe nothing at the same time? What happens when a lie leads to something you believed was truth?

What if there’s more to the story? What if uncovering lies and challenging truths and strongly held beliefs is the secret to connecting the invisible with the visible.

What if the veil of financial deception was way more than money?

What if true wealth is available now by unlocking the creative power to produce real value that’s been veiled in plain sight behind knowledge that’s shaped our perception of personal and corporate power and control?

Will you join me and others in this journey of discovering more hope, more peace, more joy, more possibilities and more love than anything we have previously thought possible?

Watch now on Rumble: https://rumble.com/vwahim-an-invitation-to-1000x-more.html

Here’s where you can follow me and support my work:

Support my work here: https://paypal.me/TPiercy

Telegram: https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom  and https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy

Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter  https://rumble.com/c/c-985873

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw

Blog: www.RestoredHopeToday.com

Training and Books: www.moneyminding.com

Also at: www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com

SovereignWealthAlliance Telegram: https://t.me/SovereignWealthAlliance

SovereignWealthAlliance Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-985873

Done Or Undone?

Plus Upcoming Events…

Happy 2022!!

Did you know that Monday mornings are when most heart attacks happen?

Maybe this doesn’t sound like the most inspiring way to start the first message of a new year, but since it’s not Monday, I thought it would be ok 😊

For the schedule of upcoming activities – not on a Monday LOL – see below and stay tuned for additional login details, etc. as applicable!

The start of anything is always a time of optimism. Except for some reason, Monday mornings, when many people look at the week ahead with an anxious heart. I’ve written lots on this over the years and recorded some videos on the seed of faith that is triggered by something new – like everything is new in the morning… (Lamentations 3:23).

This year seems different – a level of optimism and anticipation of good things ahead like I’ve never known.

Not everyone feels this way though…

Last year was one most of us would like to quickly forget and for some, the ongoing impact to our lives is beyond stressful, to the point of being absurd now.

We’re done!

Done with fear, media lies, government over-reach, political agendas, medical tyranny, taxes, debt, economic manipulation, relationship division, religious pride, and destruction in just about every area of life.

Yes, I said religious pride in that list. You might not call it religion in the formal sense, but any kind of tightly held belief system will fall under this description.

If 2021 has taught us anything (at least it has for me anyways), is that we really don’t know much about the world we live in!

I have experienced a pit in my stomach on more than one occasion when I realized that some pretty basic knowledge of things I thought were real, might not be…?

Do I know for sure for example, if the earth is round and hurtling through space at a gazillion miles an hour? Or is flat? Or perhaps it’s a cube or triangle? I’ve seen enough to know that I don’t know and that it’s likely best to be open to finding out.

But, ooo – what will people think if I say something about the shape of the earth, the composition of the moon, the weather, the stars…??

Is it really the year 2022?

Are we a technologically advanced society? Or is civilization the correct word?

Did God really say…?

How do we know what we know…?

What 2021 taught me (and I can see I’m not alone) is that having an open mind to relearn, rethink, and therefore relive life is possible – and that’s incredibly freeing!

I won’t speak for you, but I sure have a lot of questions to ask on topics I never even thought of before.

I finally realized that it’s ok to not have all the answers. Part of the excitement is anticipating the answer – whatever that might be.

One thing that has become clearer and more tangible in these unusual new topics that have found their way into my curious mind, is that God, who’s name I’m not even sure of anymore, is more real and more incredible than anything I’ve ever known.

Which further fuels ‘conspiracy’, potential conflict and complications, because the more you look, the more you’re left with only one answer – the biggest conspiracy is the one we read about in Genesis – the battle between good and evil with the mind of mankind as the battlefield!

Joe (my husband) and I made a decision that when we refer to God in the first person, we’re calling Him Yahweh and we’re referring to His Son (Jesus) as Yahshua.

Why? Lots of reasons, but one is because we know that English was adopted as the language of trade and commerce and we know that this was a political decision which supports the central banking, corporate debt slave system that controls the world’s economies. Christianity and the Bible also were developed for political purposes, and the study of etymology (the original symbolic meanings of words and alphabetic characters) supports the concept of oneness; that everything in all creation is connected through vibrations and light that you just don’t get with the English language that was given to the ‘common folk’.

This is a subject of much debate and research and even the very mention of it will cause many people to get that stomach jolt, and mental assault on belief. So here’s why I mention it: if the name of the God of all creation is so holy that it wasn’t allowed to be spoken, isn’t that a political or religious (or both), manmade decision. Why is that?

Does it matter what we call the Lord of all creation?

Is Lord even the correct term, or has that been hijacked also?

Words and language are technology.

We communicate through DNA in our bodies that connects us to source.

But wait, more questions: DNA? Source? What’s that about?

In many ways the very thought of these questions, let alone writing them, speaking them and sending them in an email feels like subjecting oneself to a sort of ‘social suicide’ because it opens yourself up to judgement, because it confronts people’s beliefs…

Haven’t we all experienced some form of this last year?

In our family we decided we’re going to be open, we’ll take it one day, one conversation at a time, and adjust as we get new information – it’s kind of like learning to talk again – we’re relearning almost everything and despite being almost 60 years old realize we likely don’t even know the full curriculum, let alone have the knowledge on things we previously thought we knew well…

In a very short time, we have all seen how something as simple as chatting with someone you run into in the store can become an issue leading to all manner of potential complication. It’s hard to know what to say and to whom, so everyday life has become way more challenging so we tend to say or do nothing…

Are you with me?

Our ego, pride, rational thinking self is targeted by what’s happening around us. We can react, respond, or ignore the triggers that begin in the unseen realm.

The triggers bring us to a place of openness and willingness to look past the reality we think/thought we knew/know –

Or they’ll bring a stubbornness and refusal to even entertain possibilities beyond what we think/thought we knew/know.

Either way, I’m sure no one likes to have a friend or family member ‘unfriend’ them on social media – do you? Conflict used to happen openly and over significant issues after much discussion – We’ve come undone in our ability to tolerate different beliefs on items that used to be totally non-issues – so quickly – what happened?

As we embrace all that 2021 has begun to reveal to us about the world we live in, here’s what I’ve learned about what we can’t see:

There is an amazingly good God who created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. He made mankind in His likeness and image so that we would be His likeness and image in His creation; to have dominion over it, to bring it under control and to multiply His goodness throughout His creation.

Our current world is definitely NOT that!

But, not that long ago (early 1900’s) there were still remnants being destroyed from a beautiful, harmonious, architecturally advanced, energy efficient, wireless connected, worldwide civilization. The evidence of an incredible civilization that filled the earth is all around us. But history and tradition has been written to tell us a different story. And once you see it, you can’t unsee it. It’s everywhere and it’s amazing! (use Duck Duck go or Brave and search Tartaria, or Tartarian architecture and free energy). I talk more about this in my new series, ‘An Introduction to Sovereign Wealth’ as well (see below).

It’s ancient technology that has been hidden, and is now being redeployed.

It’s coming fast, and while you might not see it in mainstream media, it’s showing up in neon lights when you open your mind to look for, and focus on the good!

What’s Yahweh up to?

He is making Himself known to anyone and everyone!!

All creation is connected through sound and light. You might call it being connected in the Spirit, or to Source – Whatever it is, it’s why the sounds we utter matter.

We all know that if you walk into a room full of joy and peace you feel the lightheartedness. If you walk into a room of sadness or anger, you feel that too. We are all connected in this amazing creation of Love!

This morning as I was contemplating the day ahead, I was not happy about spending another day ‘sitting’ on the computer. I had spent the better part of yesterday working on some webpages for the 12-Part series I’ve been working on for months (see below). My negative mantra about website stuff goes something like this: I can do it; I don’t enjoy it and don’t think I’m overly good at it. It doesn’t feed my soul so to speak, but I do it because it needs to get done!

As I was pondering this, a friend on the other side of the country popped into my mind and I thought to myself, ‘I should call Tami’.

A few minutes later an email came in from Tami. Her message was simply this, “Good Morning Sam~ Reading you on Telegram ~ just isn’t doing it for me today. Seeing you on Rumble ~ just isn’t doing it for me today either. I NEED THE REAL SAM!!!! Please call me at your convenience ☺️ Tami

I called her right away as tears welled up in my eyes. Even now, I am ‘undone’ at how we are all so connected; how beautiful, loving and attentive Yahweh is to communicate these details through seemingly insignificant thoughts or events.

We’ve heard how He is near to the broken-hearted, sure.

But He’s also with us when we’re just going through the day-to-day of life.

He’s always with us, all ways, every way!

Tami said the most perfect thing I’ve heard in a long time. I told her that when I spend such long times on the computer alone, it feels like the life is being sucked out of me; that I miss person-to-person connections and moving around doing things!

She said that’s because ‘the life is being sucked out of you’.


Not literally, she said, but that the words I share, add to her life; inspire her; and encourage her, … wow!

Words communicate, whether they’re on a computer screen, paper, phone, zoom, video, person-to-person – or even the thoughts we have! They travel through the unseen realm to trigger a response somewhere!

What we say, how we say it, when and where we say it matters!

We might be ‘done’ with lies, division, discord, masks, mandates (not laws), lockdowns, fees, bylaws, licenses and pressures that really do ‘suck the life and wealth’ out of us all. But God…

You can’t work for debt, pay to live with that worthless stuff we call money, pay interest and illegal taxes and somehow really truly believe we are free and able to live the abundant life Yahshua gave us… nope –

Once you realize the extent of the lies it’s no longer acceptable to accept what we thought was normal…

But we can all still be ‘undone’ by Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.

We can choose to focus on the evil and negative, or we can toss it aside, get curious, ask some different questions, and go digging for good to offset the friction of negative news.

The bible tells us there are 2/3 of the angelic host for us and my guess is that’s growing in leaps and bounds right now!

Do you believe it? Can you see it? Can you feel it?

Tami reminded me that we all work as though working for the Lord (Colossians 3:23), and our encounter this morning was such a perfect reminder that He truly is in ALL things and “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist” (Colossians 1:16-17).

He is good.

He is always good.

He is good all ways.

It’s all good!!

We are a generation who gets to experience His goodness in ways that we could only dimly imagine before – if at all.

Are you ready for a new life?

Are you ready for a new world?

We ain’t going back to the old normal –

We’ve already been backwards from where mankind has been on earth before.

The new normal comes with a breakthrough likely similar to the Exodus with the wealth of the wicked released to the righteous and the walk through the sea of doubt with the army of ‘trust the science, the politicians, the media, etc’ barrelling in behind, but the dry land represents the truth of God’s word, and the truth kills all the lies – swallows them up in the sea of their own made up, pirated maritme law, religions, language, pseudo-science, and make-believe history!!

Whatever way it comes – it’s coming – it’s coming quickly – Revelation 18:17 says the evil Babylonian system that’s been plaguing mankind and the earth since the Tower of Babel falls in one hour – it’s got an appointed time, it’s suddenly, and for mankind, and the creation we’ve been given to live in and look after, it will be immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine according to His Power at work within us – His children (Ephesians 3:20)!!

Love always wins!

See you soon!!



PS. Here’s the upcoming schedule of activities for the week ahead:

Founding members mVillage Sovereign Communities Meeting on Friday, January 7th at 1:00pm PST (zoom link to follow)

Sovereign Wealth Insights Saturday Zoom at 10:00 am PST (link available at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com)

Introducing Sovereign Wealth: Break Free from Financial Deception 12-Part Series Special Live Introduction, Wednesday, January 11th at 1:00pm PST (More details to follow)!!

mVillage Ecosystem of Sovereign Communities Overview Presentation, Thursday, January 12th noon PST (details on www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com)

Here’s where you can follow me and support my work:
Support my work here: https://paypal.me/TPiercy
Telegram: https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom and https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter https://rumble.com/c/c-985873
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw
Blog: www.RestoredHopeToday.com
Training and Books: www.moneyminding.com
Also at: www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com
SovereignWealthAlliance Telegram: https://t.me/SovereignWealthAlliance
SovereignWealthAlliance Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-985873

In the Beginning: Amazing Revelation in the Word IN

Words communicate something by conveying a message spoken, or symbolically written. Our verbal and non-verbal communication creates an outcome. We are told in scripture that we are to take every thought captive, and that we’ll be held accountable for every word we speak…

You can watch it on Rumble here now: IN the Beginning… Amazing Revelation in the Word IN (rumble.com)

From Genesis to Revelation, God’s Word tells an amazing story of creation and how we live with our creator in His creation. His Word tells us who He is and who we are. It is a beautiful story of our salvation through our all loving, all knowing, all powerful creator God, who spoke creation into being, and speaks to us through His creation…and amazingly we learn this, and draw strength and hope from the first word in the English bibles, ‘in’.

Here’s a link to the PowerPoint: https://sampiercycom.ontraport.com/tl/254

Here’s where you can follow me and support my work:

Support my work here: https://paypal.me/TPiercy

Telegram: https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom and https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy

Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter  https://rumble.com/c/c-985873

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw

Blog: www.RestoredHopeToday.com

Training and Books: www.moneyminding.com

Also at: www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com

What is Enough?

Is just getting through the day, the week, the month ok?
Is it ok, as long as you’re able to do things you like to do?
Is there such a thing as too much?

What if God’s goodness is so good, that instead of the mindset of acceptance and managing lack, He’s given us the ability and everything we need to manage overflow?

More than enough for ourselves and others!

In this message we look at how this issue is communicated and how we impact circumstances through the energy we communicate – lack or abundance?!

Watch on Rumble Here Now!

Video clips in this message credited to https://youtu.be/2_gnaqpvfd8 and https://youtu.be/CdUoFIZSuX0

Moving from ‘Hopium’ to Faith

Hello Again, [First Name],

I made another short video on some thoughts for moving from ‘hopium’ to faith. You can watch it on Rumble here!

Urban dictionary describes ‘hopium’ as an addiction to false hopes.

I suspect the word ‘hopium’ might describe a sort of ‘lottery mentality’ where people participate passively in the ‘hope’ that something amazing is going to land in their lap, without them having to experience pain or hardship. That would be awesome, but typically when God gives us a vision for something we don’t currently see, we have a role to play with Him, in order to bring about the hoped for result!

I also suspect the concept of ’hopium’ could be behind the phrase about people, ‘not wanting to get their hopes up’. No one wants to be let down or disappointed yet delays and detours are inevitable enroute to realizing any worthwhile dream or goal.

It seems that in some way, it’s easier to rationalize away possibilities of good things coming if you don’t see ‘how’ something could come about. Instead, obstacles and negative consequences barreling down on hopes and dreams seem to trigger an emotional shut down of possibilities, so it becomes hard for people to hope for what they don’t see…

Worse, many people stop looking or hoping for good things because they don’t want to be disappointed. Instead of good things coming, they find themselves in an endless cycle of planning for the worst!

Yesterday I had a fuzzy head and a general lethargy in my overall emotional and physical well-being. I don’t have any validation for how or why it came on suddenly like that, but I do know that the night before I watched the sun go down on a day where the sky was littered with more chem trails than I think I’ve ever seen in one day.

if you’re not familiar with chem trails, I encourage you to do some researach online using a search engine like duck duck go to find out more.

I could have had a physical reaction perhaps to whatever fell from the sky, or I might have mentally looked at the sudden change in weather to a darker, cooler, gloomier looking day and attributed the atmospheric shift mentally in such a way to trigger a weaker, surrendered sort of response in my emotions.

Regardless, the point is that a day later (today), I woke up to sunshine, albeit more chem trails across the sky, with the first word that popped into my mind was ‘hopium’.

What followed that thought was how many times I’ve shared with people the great and growing hope God is birthing in me, and the ‘ya but’ comments that seem to be common when I share. The ‘ya buts’ are like a defensive mechanism, where people feel it’s necessary to proclaim about how it’s wise to prepare for what’s coming (what they believe they can see coming on the negative side).
How do we know what’s coming?

I’m pretty sure there’s a scripture that says to not worry about tomorrow for today has enough for us to deal with on it’s own (see Matthew 6:34). 😊

As I was pondering this, I thought of how Adam and Eve were deceived by the temptation to have their eyes open so they would know good and evil to be like God. Before this they only know good, even though evil was all around. God’s goodness covered and protected and provided for them because it’s all they knew and therefore all they saw. That’s very cool and very important and relevant for the world we’re living in today!

If we take our eyes off the good – the hope God gives us, and the promises He has made and confirmed for us, then we give credence to the evil – we validate that the devil has some sort of magical power to manipulate circumstances and cause us to struggle.

When we experience struggle, it’s a big neon light clue that the devil is involved and we need to look for the good. God doesn’t leave us, which means in the midst of whatever circumstance we’re struggling with, He will be found – when we look for Him!

Whether the heaviness I experienced yesterday was physical or mental isn’t relevant in light of God. My day was still filled with great conversations about hope and strategy, with some wonderful people He has brought into my life.

We have the promises that He confirmed by the shed blood of His son. That’s a covenant! It’s not a contract that says we have to be, do, think, or accomplish something in order to benefit from what’s already done. We have to accept that free gift though – which means at some point we have to get past our thinkers, to walk by faith, not by what we think we can see.

The question is about our faith. Do we have faith in our self, our circumstances, the government, health care system, some other person? Or do we have faith in the one, true, living, all loving, all knowing, all powerful, all present God of all creation?

It’s kind of an odd question if you really think about it – there’s only one answer!

God’s word says, “NOW, may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13), and that, “NOW faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1).

Plus, there’s a whole lot more amazing scriptures confirming that at any time, we don’t have to fear the circumstances we think we see, that He is able to see us through when we fix our eyes with hopeful expectation on Him – the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews12:2).

Here’s the link to the video where I share some more on this!

Please like, share, follow and subscribe!

And may God bless you abundantly always and all ways!

Trials, Trauma, Truth, Triumph

I recently made a commitment to share more of the revelations God has been pouring in lately so today I made a short video that you can find on Rumble, and my other social media channels below

As we face the peer pressure from the current narrative, it’s important to remember that it’s often not an easy ‘pill’ to swallow when you come face to face with new ideas and information.

As I begin to share some of the revelations God has brought me to over the past 9 months-ish, and how He brought me here, I’ll ask you to remember that we are all in this together; we learn from each other; we all have a role that impacts the lives of others; and ultimately God is good always and all ways so we look for the good and find faith in the substance of what Go and how He ultimately reveals to each of us as we diligently seek Him with our whole heart.

We triumph by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony, so we all bring great value to God’s Kingdom on earth and in the heavenlies through our thoughts, words, prayers and actions!

We all have a purpose to help others find hope, peace and joy in the midst of whatever great trial they find themselves.

We are experiencing the end of an age, and the beginning of another amazing chapter in human history. Jesus was very clear that the birth of this new age would bring great sorrow and pain, like in child-birth! The travail and anguish would be intense as we’re seeing now in the collapse of almost everything we thought provided a solid foundation – every area of culture and life is being shaken – but we have depth and breadth of promise and revelation in the Word of God!

This is an amazing time to be alive!

Our lives matter! God planned that we would be here for this time! Wow!

I’m working on a mini-series of introductory lessons to help give some background to where and how you can experience more hope like I’m experiencing right now – yes, in the midst of the trials and trauma of the world as we know it changing before our eyes there is great hope! It is so exciting – so good – yet, comes with great responsibility to help others through this ‘red sea’ moment!

Will you join me?

I’ll tell you, it will require an open mind and heart, and it ain’t easy to come face to face with reality, and know that true repentance (a change of mind and heart) comes with a travail for a greater revelation of who is God our creator and Heavenly Father, and who we are in Him, as we learned from His only begotten Son, who perfectly showed us the ‘way, the truth, and the life’ – to the great love of YWYH!

Restoring Hope Today – An Invitation to More

Ok. So, I did a thing…

It might not seem like much, but for quite some time I have been increasingly excited about the future of the world.

At the same time, however, when I start to share about why this is, I am more often than not, met with a ‘deer in the headlight’ kind of look.

It seems the concept of hoping for much of anything other than surviving, or perhaps getting back to some sense of perceived freedom of choice, is coming against weariness, facts and triggering some unbelief, or perhaps cognitive dissonance.

Hoping against hope, can trigger fear because no one wants to risk being disappointed!

Worse, no one wants to be messenger of something that could potentially bring about ‘false hope’ that leads to discouragement.

Last week, I set out to make a short video to ‘try’ to explain some of the reasons for my growing sense of not just hope, but real excitement.

Seriously, I’ve even started working out because I have so much energy. I wake up in the morning full of joy and peace that really does surpass all understanding.

The circumstances haven’t changed.

In fact as I write this, the smoke from nearby forest fires is billowing in around us again, I have (as many do), huge family prayers because of the ‘divide and conquer’ campaign being waged against our nations, the prayer requests for people with health and financial issues is non-stop, and of course when I open any kind of media it seems that lies, threats, violence, and more government control attempts parade across my screens…

So where does this hope come from?

The only answer to that question is from God, but it’s the new knowledge He has led me to, that has given rise to a new level of understanding and passion to shout from the rooftops a revelation of what I believe God is doing, that is so much bigger than anything we could have ever asked or imagined!

I created a presentation to pull together some of this information then realized it would be amazing to go through it live on zoom so we can discuss it together.

I then decided to take some of the concepts from the the full presentation to make an introductory video as in invitation for you to join me for a more indepth discussion.

You can access the introduction on my social media channels below to hopefully be inspired to want to share with others and join me on this amazing journey!

Joe (my husband), asked me what’s this all for, as I have now spent the better part of a week working on it – and not because it’s some grand perfectly polished, professional production, but because God, would not let up and the Holy Spirit kept leading me to what and how He wants me to share.

My only response to Joe’s question about ‘why’ is because people need hope! 

God asked me to share what He has led me to uncover that has dramatically and forever altered my relationship with Him and with the world around us.

Will you please watch it, like it, share it, and consider joining me for a live zoom to go through the full presentation together?

I’ll wait to see how many people are interested before proposing a couple times to meet – maybe we’ll do several live events 😊

Here’s the link to watch and invitation to join live!

Where we go from here, we’ll wait for God to make that clear…

In the meantime, may the peace of God that surpasses all understanding dwell in your hearts, that in days of darkness, you are built up in your most holy faith, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto eternal life!

Many Blessings always and all ways,

PS – Check out Jude 20 & 21 (2021) for additional inspiration!

See you soon 🙂

Here’s where you can follow me and support my work:
Support my work here: https://paypal.me/TPiercy
Telegram: https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter https://rumble.com/c/c-985873
Blog: www.RestoredHopeToday.com
Training and Books: www.moneyminding.com
Also at: www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com

Staying Alive

Many people know that a guiding principle in my life is from the scripture in Jeremiah 29:7 where we are told to pray for the community to which we are called into exile, because as it prospers so do you.

I think most people know that humanity is in exile to the various cultural and political systems that ‘regulate’ the key areas impacting our lives: politics, religion, education, media, entertainment, family, and business.

The tool used by the world’s systems to control a narrative, to direct action, and ultimately to unite societies under one world is the control of the money supply.

Our current financial systems which impact business and economics has been under the control of the central banking and controlled by the federal reserve. There are only a handful of nations who never signed on to the central banking system which is based on a concept called ‘fiat’ – meaning debt.

The entire central banking system is a system of debt, that in it’s ultimate end, would transfer wealth from the people to a select group of elites. It’s an ultimate system of slavery and control, much like we read about in Exodus where the people were forced to make more bricks with less straw and the only way out was divine intervention!!

The financial control has enabled the people who control the system to influence knowledge. They’ve been able to convince us that what is good is evil and visa versa!

The bankers over the last 100+ years have taken control of gold and physical assets and have issued ‘IOU’s’ to governments around the world with interest. These IOU’s have been traded and packaged, and sliced and diced, to the point that we have trillions and trillions of worthless money that has been used to purchase and control land, businesses, utilities, and whole governments.

In this system, prices continue to go up, dollar values will go down, and in order to keep the whole thing going, new products and services are invented as ways to create more money… there are obviously a lot more details to fill in, but you’ll get the idea…

Humanity has been on a downward spiral heading towards destruction, despite being told that we’re a highly developed civilization.

What’s particularly amazing about this is the biblical account of these economic and cultural cycles throughout human history. The Exodus is perhaps the one most well known, which in itself is fascinating since it was a motion picture production created by the media moguls who have influenced knowledge, ideas, and culture so prominently.

We have stories told through television, movies, radio, music, books, etc. which have all influenced our thinking, whether we believe it or not.

Was the Exodus just an ancient story with no relevance to our life today?

Or was it symbolic of a physical and spiritual parallel with great importance to our individual lives and global survival?

The other day I woke up with the song, ‘Staying Alive’ by the BG’s from the movie, Saturday Night Live playing in my head… don’t laugh – I didn’t start dancing like John Travolta, LOL.

I did, however, look for the lyrics.

If God pops an idea into your mind, He tells us to take every thought captive to the obedience to Christ (to His Spirit that resides within us, so we can ‘bear witness’ to what we see and hear with our natural senses.

Is God trying to get your attention with some of these seemingly random thoughts and ideas?

We can look at some of the media and say it’s satanic – but satan only mimics God in order to inflict deception so he can steal, kill and destroy God’s goodness in our life and God’s creation.

Satan will leave clues, and use even some of what we and God hold to be most holy to deceive even the elect – you and I – God’s chosen people, His son’s and daughter, heirs to throne made possible through the life, death, burial and resurrection power of His son – the 1st born of the dead – that’s us!

The Spirit of God gives us our very breath. He’s calling us to life; to rise with Him through that same resurrection power to demonstrate His almighty, all loving, all powerful, all present reign over His creation. We have that same Power and the authority to use it, through the blood of His son, our saviour, who gave his life, that we shall call on Him and be saved!!

We must be wise, and we must come together, to lay down our differences, and know that God wins, but we are His Body, so we have work to do!

Satan’s pride has led to his influence to be hidden in plain sight with symbols and other hidden clues. Once you see them, they are everywhere – literally in your face every day, every where!

Someone just showed me how a beautiful worship song had been hijacked with that backwards, subliminal satanic programming that was brought to light with rock music in the 70’s and 80’s. I couldn’t listen. It was horrible. I love the song. I’ve sung my heart out to it, and wept with passion for God’s goodness. But the intent of the satanic messaging is to implant the demonic messages at a time when our emotions and our mind is engaged in receiving… it’s gut wrenching to realize the depth of the lies and what has been stolen from us!!

The book of revelation, despite being twisted with a whole range of obscure meanings, is actually VERY clear in showing us what’s happening in the world today.

I cried out for a greater revelation of Jesus Christ a while ago, and, oh has God been faithful in answering that prayer!

My excitement and enthusiasm for what He’s doing in the world today is overflowing! Sometimes I can barely contain myself the magnitude of what’s happening and where He’s leading us!

There is so much to be hopeful for because we have so much more than invisible faith – we have the substance in plain sight – God is delivering us from the lies and oppression and we’re a generation who gets to experience it!!

In the book or Revelation we are repeatedly told that those with eyes to see and ears to hear will see what God is doing. He has instructed us from the beginning of time to see His goodness, His life, His love, and Grace, and Mercy.

Let me encourage you to join online, and to continually look for God at work, by looking for the substance of what we all hope for in everything you see!

If / when you’re confronted with something that at first seems impossible, or improbable; look further and question everything! 

We all have pieces to the puzzle that are valuable and essential, and none of us really know as much as we think we know. We need each other, and when we let down our walls, God really can come into every situation with His great love and kindness; to take every situation and turn it for good!

This is why is why my friend Adrian and I have started to create the www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com.

It’s also why I’ve started the new blog at www.restoredhopetoday.com to archive and share the information as people start to ask questions!

Please share this with people you know and make sure you also join on the platforms below.

Abundant Blessings Always and All Ways,

I’ll leave you with this to ponder from
Bee Gees – Stayin’ Alive Lyrics | AZLyrics.com
Writer(s): Gibb Barry Alan, Gibb Maurice Ernest

Robin Gibb explained the meaning of this song, saying, “The subject matter of ‘Stayin’ Alive’ is actually quite a serious one; It’s about survival in the streets of New York, and the lyrics actually say that”. Barry Gibb also added, “Everybody struggles against the world, fighting all the BS and things that can drag you down. And it really is a victory just to survive.”

Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I’m a woman’s man: no time to talk. Music loud and women warm, I’ve been kicked around since I was born. And now it’s all right. It’s OK. And you may look the other way. We can try to understand The New York Times’ effect on man.

[What? Interesting comment, given the way news influences man]

Whether you’re a brother Or whether you’re a mother, You’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Feel the city breakin’ And everybody shakin’, And we’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive.

[We are indeed ‘stayin alive’! God gave us everything we need for life, health, shelter, and community. We can understand with our natural senses, that the effect the media has had on mankind has ‘kicked us around since we were born’. Let’s get back to relying on each other for support and information instead 😊].

Here’s where you can follow me and support my work:
Support my work here: https://paypal.me/TPiercy
Telegram: https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter https://rumble.com/c/c-985873
Blog: www.RestoredHopeToday.com
Training and Books: www.moneyminding.com
Also at: www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com