Truth Destroys Lies

Break Free From Financial Deception

Have you heard the term ascension as it relates to a worldwide event called the Great Awakening?

Ascension is a rising up – in awareness (knowledge), hence the term ‘great awakening’. Knowledge is the catalyst that then triggers physiological shifts in your body as your head and heart come into a level of alignment that previously had to be reconciled with one or the other ‘winning out’ – ie. Either the emotions of the heart were appeased to bring a sensation of peace and joy, or the intellectual understanding of situations were the guide for pursuing peace and joy through rational analysis of circumstances and knowledge.

Religion, media, education and commerce have attempted to establish ideologies to fill the gap between heart and head with understandings of faith and the world we live in, and with spiritual and emotional experiences.

The process of ascension or awakening is different for everyone, but the concept is the same: some event triggers a revelation of knew knowledge. Revelation knowledge produces an understanding in your heart based on your previous knowledge and experiences.

When we are confronted with new knowledge we have a choice to accept, reject, or continue to process what we just learned.

In reality, we are always processing what we learn, and historical events and knowledge remain in memory regardless of whether they are top of mind at any given moment in time. This means that when we seek answers our past is a factor whether we realize it or not, in whether we choose to accept of reject what we learn based on how much the ego of our intellect, or conscious awareness of our heart ultimately processes the information.

I say this as an introduction, because whatever you call the events happening on the planet over the past couple years, there is no denying that changes are occurring based on information available, and what information is accepted and acted on.

Family and friends have been divided over information like never before – forgetting that for our whole lives we’ve had differences of opinions and still been able to communicate with the majority of people we meet at least on a cordial basis.

What happened?

The energetic connection between the head and heart is what happened.

Many people are bypassing their ego and intellect so new information can settle in their heart. This has brought about an opportunity for enlightenment (revelation) to occur. This has further made it possible for new ideas to enter their minds. New ideas bring further enlightenment which has simultaneously made it possible for many people to experience an energetic ascension as their mind and heart come into union.

What has been separated through religious beliefs and cultural conditioning has through new revelation, enabled previous limitations based on knowledge to be exposed so new possibilities can be expanded.

What this means, is that one enlightened revelation will physiologically make it possible for more revelation, which will continue to expand not just your thinking, but your body’s ability to receive knowledge through your heart from more than just your physical senses.

This happens because we have been taught to function in a material world where knowledge and our physical senses look to interpret the world literally. The exact opposite is to view the world intuitively through our ‘sixth sense’ which is how we connect energetically with the world around us.

My personal experience…

You may or may not have noticed that I went quiet a couple weeks ago.

For a couple months as my excitement grew, so did my physical energy, and along with it, a growing challenge of sitting in front of a computer.

I am extremely grateful and very excited for the amazing people I have met online, I have learned to do things with technology that I didn’t want to, or think I could do, but personally for many years I have pushed to work online, not been drawn into it as others are.

A couple weeks ago, I realized I could no longer push through with my intellect and rational mind to work online for hours at a time.

I love connecting person-to-person. I love being able to use technology to communicate and share. But, the time to prepare, format, file, follow-up, etc. at this particular time seems to be telling me to take a break. I have poured out for months on end to share the information that has given me such great hope and excitement for our future – our very near future!! It seems my sixth sense is telling me that my heart needs some refilling, it’s pulling me to be more physically active – something I have set aside for a long time as I continued to do my work online!

Breaking Free From Financial Deception

Once my eyes were open to the depth of lies, the categories of deception just kept coming. Each new layer revealed new knowledge, new truths, and with it new power, new hope, and new enthusiasm for life!

This chapter of my personal ‘awakening’ began with the etymology of the first 5 words of the book of Revelation, then to the etymology of Genesis 1:1.

My life was changed as I saw how the literalist historical interpretation we have lived with in our materialistic world was very different than the original symbolic, historical interpretation of the words written in any of the biblical languages and translations.

This opened the door to exploring history and quickly discovering how it has been twisted to portray the world in a way that has served a destructive agenda that has used a debt based monetary system, religion, language, and an elaborate corporate political structure to destroy almost everything good.

My new ‘Breaking Free From Financial Deception’ 12-part video series provides an introduction to the various topics that have been impactful in my journey. All the videos and corresponding slides are available online now. There is a huge breadth of information and insight presented in this series.

I believe I was able to discern so many categories of lies, in part because my alternative views and knowledge on finances told me right away that what we were experiencing at the beginning of 2020 was the end of the debt slave system and the beginning of a new era of financial freedom!

You can access the
Breaking Free From Financial Deception series here.

I plan to continue to blog and produce videos, host zooms, and share information online as I’m able, and as requested. I also plan to share more on the depth of revelation to continue to help others in a new book, I’ve been preparing to write for a while now.

In the meantime however, I am taking heed to my hearts desires and will be working with 2 long time friends to transition to whatever my soul has for me to complete in the days, weeks, months, years, and life ahead!

Dar Archie and I will be publishing my books for print and preparing to host a True Wealth Event live when the time is obvious!

I will be providing business and consulting for Heather Johns who will be incorporating the MoneyMinding Abundance training and coaching system into her financial business.

Both Heather and Dar have completed MoneyMinding training from me and we have become friends over the years so I am so thrilled how events and timing are lining up now for these open doors to multiply each of our passions and purposes in ways we have never previously imagined!

Stay tuned. I will share more as I’m able, and in the meantime, here’s the link to the Breaking Free From Financial Deception Series. And please make sure we’re connected on social media! See you soon!!

With much love always and all ways,

PS. The world is changing in incredible ways. We are experiencing the transition from what we thought was good, but was really based on lies, to a new world of good beyond anything we could previously imagine. This is possible as new information on what is true is shared and the false illusions can no longer oppress our power and authority as humans functioning as one with each other and all creation!

Also, if you’ve joined me on the 30-day plank challenge, I’m posting my progress on Instagram – it’s getting fun!! 2:30 minutes today FYI 🙂

Here’s where you can connect with me and support this work:

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