How Canada’s $10 Bill is a key to freedom!

The Introduction: Canada’s $10 Freedom Note (

Canada’s most widely circulated bank note was printed late 2018 with section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This coincides with the release of growing documentation that the current plans to collapse the economy with a virus and lockdowns was coming in 2020 and 2021. The $10 bill honours a successful black business woman who challenged racial segregation in 1946 and won! This bill was also named the best in the world by the International Bank Note Society! In light of current politicians openly calling for division and radically ignoring all civilized laws in the country, revealing a long-standing pattern of ignoring international and domestic agreements, this $10 is a valuable tool for Canadians as a reminder that it’s the people, not the government who have the rights!!

Finding Hope in $10 PART A

This is follow up to a short message titled ‘Canada’s $10 Freedom Note’ where I expand on the polarization between what’s printed on the $10 bill, when it was approved, and what the government was beginning to role out at the same time. The same government is now openly and obviously violating the message that’s printed on the most widely circulated denomination, giving a ‘clue’ to another economic reality coming to light that opposes the world economic forum’s great global reset.

Other links as mentioned:

Finding Hope in $10 PART B

Last episode showed how the timing of this bill that won international recognition and is most widely used financial note in Canada. In this episode, we’ll look at how this clue can become an opportunity to help unlock possibilities beyond what you can see. Simple math as it relates to finances is a small seed that will contribute to transforming mindsets away from ‘Egyptian/Roman’ thinking, to facilitate entering the promised land regardless of current circumstances might be showing!  

The current system has enslaved the world through debt by impacting the knowledge we have and the way we think. To move beyond the wilderness, begins with unlocking new ways of looking at the world we live in!

What is Enough?

Is just getting through the day, the week, the month ok?
Is it ok, as long as you’re able to do things you like to do?
Is there such a thing as too much?

What if God’s goodness is so good, that instead of the mindset of acceptance and managing lack, He’s given us the ability and everything we need to manage overflow?

More than enough for ourselves and others!

In this message we look at how this issue is communicated and how we impact circumstances through the energy we communicate – lack or abundance?!

Watch on Rumble Here Now!

Video clips in this message credited to and

Recognizing the Credit Beast as a Guide to True Wealth

When you understand how our current credit system works, you can see that it is designed to fail. It will also give you a guide to illuminating God’s truth as we symbolically move through the Red Sea towards the promised land. Knowing how the beast system works and where it’s leading, will also help shift thinking towards God’s Kingdom wealth – because true wealth overflows with blessings to multiply goodness into perpetuity compared to the current system of absolute slavery…

God wins, so be in hope and stand confident against the army of deception!

Here’s the video link to watch on Rumble:

Video credit in this episode of ‘Immeasurably More’ is an interview with Max Igan from

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Moving from ‘Hopium’ to Faith

Hello Again, [First Name],

I made another short video on some thoughts for moving from ‘hopium’ to faith. You can watch it on Rumble here!

Urban dictionary describes ‘hopium’ as an addiction to false hopes.

I suspect the word ‘hopium’ might describe a sort of ‘lottery mentality’ where people participate passively in the ‘hope’ that something amazing is going to land in their lap, without them having to experience pain or hardship. That would be awesome, but typically when God gives us a vision for something we don’t currently see, we have a role to play with Him, in order to bring about the hoped for result!

I also suspect the concept of ’hopium’ could be behind the phrase about people, ‘not wanting to get their hopes up’. No one wants to be let down or disappointed yet delays and detours are inevitable enroute to realizing any worthwhile dream or goal.

It seems that in some way, it’s easier to rationalize away possibilities of good things coming if you don’t see ‘how’ something could come about. Instead, obstacles and negative consequences barreling down on hopes and dreams seem to trigger an emotional shut down of possibilities, so it becomes hard for people to hope for what they don’t see…

Worse, many people stop looking or hoping for good things because they don’t want to be disappointed. Instead of good things coming, they find themselves in an endless cycle of planning for the worst!

Yesterday I had a fuzzy head and a general lethargy in my overall emotional and physical well-being. I don’t have any validation for how or why it came on suddenly like that, but I do know that the night before I watched the sun go down on a day where the sky was littered with more chem trails than I think I’ve ever seen in one day.

if you’re not familiar with chem trails, I encourage you to do some researach online using a search engine like duck duck go to find out more.

I could have had a physical reaction perhaps to whatever fell from the sky, or I might have mentally looked at the sudden change in weather to a darker, cooler, gloomier looking day and attributed the atmospheric shift mentally in such a way to trigger a weaker, surrendered sort of response in my emotions.

Regardless, the point is that a day later (today), I woke up to sunshine, albeit more chem trails across the sky, with the first word that popped into my mind was ‘hopium’.

What followed that thought was how many times I’ve shared with people the great and growing hope God is birthing in me, and the ‘ya but’ comments that seem to be common when I share. The ‘ya buts’ are like a defensive mechanism, where people feel it’s necessary to proclaim about how it’s wise to prepare for what’s coming (what they believe they can see coming on the negative side).
How do we know what’s coming?

I’m pretty sure there’s a scripture that says to not worry about tomorrow for today has enough for us to deal with on it’s own (see Matthew 6:34). 😊

As I was pondering this, I thought of how Adam and Eve were deceived by the temptation to have their eyes open so they would know good and evil to be like God. Before this they only know good, even though evil was all around. God’s goodness covered and protected and provided for them because it’s all they knew and therefore all they saw. That’s very cool and very important and relevant for the world we’re living in today!

If we take our eyes off the good – the hope God gives us, and the promises He has made and confirmed for us, then we give credence to the evil – we validate that the devil has some sort of magical power to manipulate circumstances and cause us to struggle.

When we experience struggle, it’s a big neon light clue that the devil is involved and we need to look for the good. God doesn’t leave us, which means in the midst of whatever circumstance we’re struggling with, He will be found – when we look for Him!

Whether the heaviness I experienced yesterday was physical or mental isn’t relevant in light of God. My day was still filled with great conversations about hope and strategy, with some wonderful people He has brought into my life.

We have the promises that He confirmed by the shed blood of His son. That’s a covenant! It’s not a contract that says we have to be, do, think, or accomplish something in order to benefit from what’s already done. We have to accept that free gift though – which means at some point we have to get past our thinkers, to walk by faith, not by what we think we can see.

The question is about our faith. Do we have faith in our self, our circumstances, the government, health care system, some other person? Or do we have faith in the one, true, living, all loving, all knowing, all powerful, all present God of all creation?

It’s kind of an odd question if you really think about it – there’s only one answer!

God’s word says, “NOW, may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13), and that, “NOW faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1).

Plus, there’s a whole lot more amazing scriptures confirming that at any time, we don’t have to fear the circumstances we think we see, that He is able to see us through when we fix our eyes with hopeful expectation on Him – the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews12:2).

Here’s the link to the video where I share some more on this!

Please like, share, follow and subscribe!

And may God bless you abundantly always and all ways!

Trials, Trauma, Truth, Triumph

I recently made a commitment to share more of the revelations God has been pouring in lately so today I made a short video that you can find on Rumble, and my other social media channels below

As we face the peer pressure from the current narrative, it’s important to remember that it’s often not an easy ‘pill’ to swallow when you come face to face with new ideas and information.

As I begin to share some of the revelations God has brought me to over the past 9 months-ish, and how He brought me here, I’ll ask you to remember that we are all in this together; we learn from each other; we all have a role that impacts the lives of others; and ultimately God is good always and all ways so we look for the good and find faith in the substance of what Go and how He ultimately reveals to each of us as we diligently seek Him with our whole heart.

We triumph by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony, so we all bring great value to God’s Kingdom on earth and in the heavenlies through our thoughts, words, prayers and actions!

We all have a purpose to help others find hope, peace and joy in the midst of whatever great trial they find themselves.

We are experiencing the end of an age, and the beginning of another amazing chapter in human history. Jesus was very clear that the birth of this new age would bring great sorrow and pain, like in child-birth! The travail and anguish would be intense as we’re seeing now in the collapse of almost everything we thought provided a solid foundation – every area of culture and life is being shaken – but we have depth and breadth of promise and revelation in the Word of God!

This is an amazing time to be alive!

Our lives matter! God planned that we would be here for this time! Wow!

I’m working on a mini-series of introductory lessons to help give some background to where and how you can experience more hope like I’m experiencing right now – yes, in the midst of the trials and trauma of the world as we know it changing before our eyes there is great hope! It is so exciting – so good – yet, comes with great responsibility to help others through this ‘red sea’ moment!

Will you join me?

I’ll tell you, it will require an open mind and heart, and it ain’t easy to come face to face with reality, and know that true repentance (a change of mind and heart) comes with a travail for a greater revelation of who is God our creator and Heavenly Father, and who we are in Him, as we learned from His only begotten Son, who perfectly showed us the ‘way, the truth, and the life’ – to the great love of YWYH!