
Here we go… Are you Ready for Better than Expected?

So many plans we make in our heart…

Then there are 2 choices we make about fulfilling those plans:  conscious or subconscious.

As you begin to see and experience the world from a quantum, harmoniously connected energetic perspective, you quickly realize that we are both receiving and transmitting energy all the time. We receive information from the invisible field around us and we broadcast how we perceive that information through our thoughts that then resonate throughout our body as e-motions.

These powerful truths are seen throughout nature and all of creation. They are also measured by scientific research. Everything – literally EVERYTHING in the uni-verse (one sound) is spiraling and intertwined. It’s a beautiful thing where higher, smoother vibrations produce a harmonious and beautiful love resonance. Another way to see this is ‘you in the verse’, or you in the universal sound of creation.

The flip side however, is that lower, denser, vibrations produce irritation, destruction and fear resonance with an ultimate end of separation from this harmony and death.

We are experiencing the end of the world as we have known it.

Everyone alive can feel it, even if they don’t really know the details of what’s going on.

The energy in the atmosphere is almost tangible on many days as the battle for the mind and soul of humans is at stake. Why? Because we are far more powerful in creation than we have experienced, yet controlling powers who function as political, religious, educational, medical, scientific and other institutions do know.

When our programming is influenced by fear, our subconscious will resonate at lower vibrations. This will spiral in the quantum field of vibrations to attract more of these lower vibrational experiences which reinforce unconscious belief systems.

This negative, unharmonious environment is what we have all lived under for generations, believing that it was normal and that we could individually, consciously ‘do’ something to change our lives to live in harmony with our dreams and desires.

This might have been possible for some, however, the conscious mind represents only a small portion of the thoughts we vibrate / broadcast into the universe. (I say ‘might have’ because as we move into the new era, everyone has equal opportunity to pursue their unique passions and purposed, unencumbered by limitations set by the current controlling systems).

The subconscious is what runs your life on autopilot and ultimately what determines your outcome.

Knowing that all of creation is connected and circular is an extremely powerful knowledge because it shows you how all of creation is ‘crying out’ (energetically vibrating, broadcasting) that a new cycle of life is upon us!

We are not headed into a world of slavery and planetary destruction!!

The controlling world powers are losing power, NOT gaining it.

Conscious knowledge isn’t enough to discern this though.

The hidden, subconscious discernment and reactivation of your human intuition (your spiritual super human powers) is required to discern truth that has been veiled behind the lower vibrational world we believed was ‘normal’.

The world around us has been increasing its frequency for many years. This knowledge has been foretold for eons in the stars!

The more harmonious, higher frequencies awaken our dormant DNA and give us knowledge and insight we to see behind the veil that the lower frequencies have caused.

This will lead to both a spiritual innerstanding and an intellectual comprehension of areas of life you previously hadn’t even considered or known about.

Are you ready to step into the new era?

Are you still unsure what that means?

Are you thinking we’re heading into a global meltdown of some sort before we can dig ourselves out from under the controlling shadow governments and debt-based financial systems we’ve lived under?

I’m really hoping, praying, believing that you’re sensing, feeling, preparing forthe greatest transfer of power and wealth the world has ever known.

It is officially, publicly undeniable at this point.

If you haven’t seen it, then you aren’t looking with your spiritual eyes and your conscious mind is leading you to follow the spiral of fear, doubt and uncertainty!

I don’t mean to be rude or blunt, but when you partner with negative, skeptical, fear based beliefs you are subconsciously actually fuelling the very thing we all don’t want – destruction of our planet and freedoms!

There are millions of people who have been seeing and listening to the signs all around us and KNOW that the time is NOW!

Freedom beyond anything we could have asked or imagined is upon us!!

If you’re not sure, or not aware of any of this, encourage you to adopt a different perspective as quickly as possible so you can be at the forefront of this wealth transfer that will help move us globally into out next phase – healing, restoration, recovery of millions of years of lost history, technology, knowledge…

For my part, I have so much to share and am excited to share with you. And I will…

Except, the energetic invisible spiritual realm has also been brutally clear that me working on the computer like I have at this time is not for now.

As I’ve been sharing, this has been quite an arduous process and decision. I am finally taking steps to leave behind almost all of my web based assets as it’s become obvious that continuing to pour mental and financial energy towards maintaining the subscriptions is just not healthy for me at this time.

That’s not saying I won’t be sharing at all – it’s saying, there are changes happening and in this case, I’ve determined that the next door will appear after I do some clean up to let go of some old systems. 

I’m looking forward to what doors will open, as well as how and when, but after this email I am cancelling my subscription to the service that has provided automation, web pages and more. I am keeping my blog and will still be able to communicate by email through a different provider. I will also continue and perhaps even increase my social media sharing.

Beyond that there is a grand future awaiting all of us, and I know that we are connected whether or not we have all the fancy tools, and marketing services that have been our technological connections in the past few decades.

Here is the link to access my various active platforms for where to find me in the interim.

I most definitely am looking forward to staying connected. Just know that many of my websites and links will no longer work after today.

Sending much love and abundance always and all ways and see you soon!!

The future is very bright and we are experiencing it together!!


A New Era Begins

Has it ever felt like your whole life you’ve been told something like ‘you can’t do that’, ‘if you do this you’ll fail’, ‘if you don’t do this you’ll never make it’, ‘you’re not good enough’, or some variation telling you there’s a right or wrong way to live your life?

The invisible judge between good and bad, right and wrong, brings with it an element of fear always present reminding you that if you choose wrong you’ll be on the losing side of an invisible line for how to live life (and death).

What if there was a different way to make decisions?

One based on a vibration of love, life and liberty?

The phrase, ‘everything is energy’ is very profound. Even rocks can be measured for their vibrational frequency. These words and letters you’re reading now are symbols that communicate an energetic response.

When this concept settles in your spirit you realize how we are all connected to each other and all creation.

You also begin to realize how the world has been divided – not just with ‘good and bad’, but with ‘you vs me’ and ‘them vs us’.

We judge ourselves, others, and the world around us based on cultural conditioning that is locked in our subconscious and within the very cells of our bodies.

This happens because we have been taught to see ourselves and aspects of our lives as independent. In fact, we’ve been taught for example, that we have to ‘earn a living’ which is saying you aren’t worth living if you don’t ‘earn’. This creates a world that is automatically limited, competitive, and controlled by the makers and keepers of the money.

The word ‘earn’ comes from burial ceremonies and the word ‘urn’. The sound and vibration of the 2 words is the same even though we interpret them through our mind differently. This vibration matters, whether we realize it or not.

Here’s the good news though:

The old financial system based on worthless fiat debt money is being cleansed to remove all centralized control and return power and wealth to the people. You don’t have to see it necessarily, but we all feel it in one way or another. Financial changes are evident everywhere and with them there is much uncertainty.

Uncertainty is just another word for a layer of fear caused by missing or misinformation which leads us to project possible future outcomes based on past, or perceived experiences.

But, when you know where we’ve been and where we’re going, you will also find the season we’re in as human beings living on earth at this time is the beginning of a new golden era of freedom and abundance!

This knowledge will raise your vibration above fear, doubt and uncertainty by triggering hope, optimism, and much excitement for something we couldn’t even imagine a short while ago.

What if all our needs and desires were provided for before we were born, and instead of being taught how to ‘earn our life’, we were shown how to connect with the power within us to create something worthwhile that contributed to our personal satisfaction and improved the lives of others and all creation?

We would want to connect with people who shared similar passions, right?

We would recognize anything that separated us from our true selves because it would inherently bring with it a type of judgement – a fear that we might make a wrong choice.

But, when you know we are all connected, energetic beings, you see unlimited possibilities, not limitations.

I tell you all this because for the past several months I have received and processed revelation on topics I didn’t even know existed – all of which have given me such optimism that I really am planning to live forever; planning a whole new life!

The new revelations have caused me to revisit priorities and almost everything I thought was real and true a few short months ago.

Language and symbolism are key. They are much more profound than simply something used for communication and identification. We have been delivered a reality based on a literal, logical, material representation of what we see or think we see. This reality highlights the masculine energy, and has minimized the intuitive feminine energy in all of us. I’m not talking about male and female. I’m talking about logic vs emotion, intellect vs intuition, tangible vs intangible, facts vs feelings, etc.

There is another way.

Knowledge and development of both masculine and feminine energies has been downplayed, and in some cases, vilified or deemed demonic in yet another form of separation – those who have the secret information, and those who are given the information. Our access to information determines how we see ourselves and the world we live in.

For the past few years, many of us have been rapidly absorbing new information being delivered through various energetic channels.

We are collectively moving towards a higher vibrational world as the sun and earth shift their vibrations, which in turn cause our bodies to respond differently to different inputs. We are able to receive information differently, and in turn we’re able to also broadcast information differently which contributes to higher vibrations all around. Our mind might not recognize anything different, but our energetic state will lead us through the vibrational world we live in so we are able to receive new knowledge which unlocks areas of our mind and body that have been dormant for most of our lives. We are then able to absorb and share these higher vibrations of love, joy, peace…

Higher vibrations are above fear and limitation.

They are not derived from man-made constructs. They lead us to true freedom!

I shared on my Instagram and Facebook recently that I am excited for the future and looking forward to connecting with others who also would like to plan to live forever and contribute to renewing the world in the process.

Someone asked me why I say that?

I will write the answer in what I expect will be my next book likely to be called ‘Loving You First’.

While I’m doing that however, I have known for a couple weeks now, that it’s time to share more of the incredible revelations I’ve experienced, and to develop relationships with other world changers!

After I went offline, a few people connected with me and we have been actively investing and participating in our new quantum financial system. This has produced incredible insight and I/we look forward to assisting others as the system prepares to go live worldwide anytime now.

I’ve also become more interested in wholistic health including nourishing, strengthening and moving our bodies and the environment around us.

Collectively we have entered a whole new era of humanity and earth, and behind the scenes we know that very soon the entire planet will be liberated from thousands of years of oppression. When this happens, there will be much healing and rebuilding because not everyone is ready for what’s coming. Information about our current life, over many lifetimes, and what this new era means for our future is all being revealed.

When you know what’s coming you too will be keen to become stronger mentally, physically, spiritually, and environmentally. You too, will be keen to develop your worldwide relationships with people to share this next chapter with to heal, rebuild, restore, and completely renew every area of our life and world.

Stay tuned for more.

Please make sure we’re connected on social media and share my messages with others you know who might be fearful or uncertain about what’s coming.

In the meantime, I created a 12-part series Introducing Sovereign Wealth that is available online at no charge. The more time goes by, the more I believe I should have, could have, would have done well encouraging more people to go through the lessons. They are lay out the foundation for key areas of revelation and information for moving beyond what has been to what will be. The series is available at no charge, but donations for the work are much appreciated!

You can find all my links as well as projects and products I’m working with now at

Sending love and abundance,



Are You Ready for the New World?

Hello [First Name],

I realize it’s been a while…

I have written a version of this message about 6 times now I think.

I haven’t been able to complete an email or done a video or blog to share it though. What happened?

It’s not very dramatic, although the duration of time between my last email/blog/video and now has been some of the most challenging in my life.

If you’d prefer to read this message on my blog, here’s the link.

I stopped suddenly because the physical  drain of being on the computer became so strong that I knew I needed a break. If I stayed on the computer longer than an hour ish, I was depleting my energy and finding myself sick with a headache. This seems to be persisting and I’m discovering others experiencing similar symptoms so if this is you, then you can join us is learning how to navigate these changes. 

In my studies, I had learned how the world we have known has conditioned us to push against the natural order of creation which is to be pulled towards something that is good and sustainable, so I’m applying this and experiencing continual accelerated revelation as I have been learning to let go of strongly held ideas, beliefs, behaviours, and expectations.

Once you begin to look beyond what we have been told and believed, revelation like the push/pull situation becomes very apparent. The bible says that what is good will be evil and evil will be good, and this becomes more obvious by the minute as the revelation of the lies we’ve been living under continue to come to the surface.

We have believed that certain ways of living and being are good, when in fact, ancient history (not the history we’re taught in school), tells us a very different story. 

The more you open your mind to looking, the more undeniable this becomes.

What we know about being a human, where we live, how we learn, what’s going on in the worlds, our entertainment, political systems, medicine, science, religion, finances, even the earth and sky we look at and accept as the natural order of things, are not all as we have been taught!

Just over a year ago, I demanded answers to 2 questions in response to a very painful loss in my life:

  1. God, I need a new revelation of who you are, and
  2. Who am I in your creation?

To begin my search I was prompted in my spirit to begin with the Book of Revelation because it begins with “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”. I knew that the words in the bible hold great power, as I know that both the spoken and unspoken word hold power, so I decided I’d let my spirit guide me word for word, through the bible to lead me to the information I was ‘demanding’ answers for.

My habit has been to read my bible with my phone near by so I can look up meanings of words and phrases, so this is where I began. I opened my ‘Blue Letter Bible’ App and began to read about each of the first 5 words in the Book of Revelation. As I did, I clicked on the etymology of the word along with dictionary meanings and some commentaries.

Etymology is the study of the original historical and symbolic meaning of the words, components of words and characters that have evolved to the language and use of words we have today.

The revelation of the rich symbolism of language as a technology has quite literally changed my life.

It opened my mind to see how language has been used to convey meanings that in ancient cultures (cults) meant something very different to what we believe today. The symbolic aspect of the components of the characters, and components of words, present a very different historical narrative than we have been taught.

I talk about this more and give examples in my 12-part series on ‘Breaking Free From Financial Deception’ available here.

I invite you to vest (not invest, because that means, ‘not vested’) in reviewing the topics and materials and to quite seriously be open to considering that just about EVERYTHING we thought we knew is likely based in some kind of lie – yes, EVERYTHING – religion (more on this soon), politics, science (yes, science), space, education, medicine, music, entertainment, spirituality, finance, food, clothing, history, … EVERYTHING!

Start with an open mind by ‘believing nothing and believing everything at the same time’.

When you’re confronted with information that causes you to react in some way, don’t immediately discard it. Acknowledge it, set it aside, or look deeper, then carry on. Slowly a real-life puzzle will begin to come into view. You might put some new pieces with something from your past, or perhaps find you’re dismantling a section you thought you knew because you found some new pieces that give you a new perspective. Even how we breathe is something to reconsider – seriously, yes – learning to breathe is something most people can benefit from learning to do all over again!

The world is about to flip.

We’ve been living in a kind of ‘twighlight zone’ movie watching actors play parts with life and death consequences.

What we have believed about how the world and all creation functions will have a big impact on how we move through this next chapter of human history.

I’m not going to tell you, nor can anyone else tell you, what to believe. We can all only share our experiences and invite you to look at EVERYTHING you believe to be true, EVERYONE you have listened to in the past, and take a fresh look EVERYWHERE you go. Once you open you eyes to seeing symbols, ancient architecture, nature, energy, and our cultural norms, you can’t unsee how our beliefs have been shaped so we think and act in a way that opposes our natural power to function as creative, loving, purposeful, divine beings!

Belief has been a tool used to weaken us in order to divide and conquer – not unite us in love!

We live in a predominantly Christian culture. All religions acknowledge the religious foundations of Christianity and share some common origins. At closer look, however, the similarities and the differences in religious beliefs provide great clues to what we’re living through right now.

Religion is key, because religion is what shapes beliefs that politics then implements, using finances as the tool of control in a master/slave relationship.


But in EVERYTHING you can find the truth – if you are open to surrendering EVERYTHING you currently believe to be true.

Earth and humanity are at the end of the age – a great age as told by the heavenly scroll that tells the story of creation and mankind throughout all the ages.

The stars don’t change and don’t lie. The only thing that changes is what we think based on what we’ve been told during our lifetimes. 

One of the greatest cultures on earth was called the Stellar Cult. This was followed by the Lunar Cult, the Solar Cult, and the Saturnian Cult. There are others as well, but these are the 4 great cults which form the foundation of the world’s religions today.

In antiquity, the Stellar Cult-ure was extremely prosperous and long lasting. You can see evidence of their influence on the earth with remnants of architecture around the world that most people refer to as ‘Tartarian Architecture’.

During the biblical exodus there was a separation of the people from the political system that had enslaved them. One of the plagues leading up to the release of the people was a plague of locusts. In ancient times the slavery that caused the people to make more bricks with less straw was brought about through political and financial policies.

In the last 100 years the US Federal Reserve central banking system has brought about this plight in our modern era with worldwide slavery, wars and untold suffering, in part because we have been deceived into thinking we are, or can be free.

Not so, which is why we have seen wars waged against nations who initially refused to bow to the ‘banksters’.

Today, we can watch and participate in the incredible transfer of wealth from the elite world controllers to the sovereign people. A new Quantum Financial System is rolling out – it is a very sophisticated, fast, free, open source, vibrational person to person technology that does not require a third party bank – it is decentralized technology like the Tower of Babel. Babel and Babylon are the same word (Hebrew and Greek), and we’re living through the fall of Babylon.

Today, the Stellar Network will provide the system to bring freedom and abundance to the people. This is the quantum financial system.

Many people don’t believe it, or want to believe it. It’s easier somehow to operate in fear. However, once you look, it’s like everything else, it’s undeniable and obvious!

Stellar is backed by silver. Silver was used in the original Peso’s which date back to the 1600’s. Like many many other things that happened then, the silver peso symbol became the US dollar sign we have today.

The access to Stellar is through Lobstr. Lobster is the same word as ‘locust’ and means a cutting off.

When you put these things together you find that Lobstr will separate the people from the slavery of the old centralized debt-based financial system with a return to a silver-backed Stellar network where the people can once again live in harmony with all creation, peacefully, prosperously, and purposefully.

My personal journey of revelation over the past year has brought healing, strength, joy, and renewed purposeful enthusiasm for life in ways that might not be outwardly visible, but are most definitely undeniable to me, my husband and immediate family.

It has also come with conflict from friends and family who question my journey and have tried to rationalize with me about why it’s ‘dangerous’ and ‘blasphemous’ to consider alternative perspectives on all these topics.

I’m taking life one day at a time and learning as I go. I know there is much to learn and that means being able to learn and unlearn things all of us might not have even known ‘were a thing’ a few short months ago.

I encourage you to try to receive new ideas, and to hold everything lightly. And above all, I encourage you to not stop when you hear something discouraging – keep going until you find the light side – the good – then hold on to that a bit tighter and keep going!

If you’d like to know more about the quantum financial system and how you can participate in this great transfer of wealth, on my telegram channel you can get the 1, 2, 3 to get started.

The concept of ‘waking up’ is called ‘ascension’. When you let go of your ego’s attempt to hold on to beliefs you open pathways for even greater knowledge. Knowledge is the foundation of energy flow so as you let go, you are able to receive, process, and broadcast even greater amounts of positive energy to benefit yourself and others.

This is important because the energy of the earth is changing and the energy from the sun is also increasing. These things stir up a lot of emotions and cause physical symptoms to manifest in your body. I believe this is why I was suddenly unable to sit at the computer for as long as I had previously. There are many well documented physical ascension symptoms so I encourage you to do a search if you’re wondering why you’re noticing something different in your body. My skin was suddenly very soft for example, and many people find they get fuzzy headaches when there are strong energies in the atmosphere.

If you suddenly feel an urge to do something you haven’t done in a long time, or ever, then try not to push it aside, or rationalize it away.

Freedom and abundance like we’ve never known is upon us.

I’m working on some great projects and I look forward to sharing more. Make sure we’re connected on social media – the links are below. And, join the telegram chat group for ongoing dialogue with the 1000x More Community

See you soon!!

Much love and abundance always and all ways,

PS – Here’s the link again to the 12 part series where I share on the various topics of information that have been so impactful over the past year! The series is called ‘Break Free From Financial Deception’. It’s available by donation, so you can find out why I called it that, and how you can break free from the deception that’s been caused by the financial slavery the world has lived under for too long!


PS – here’s the link to the 12 part series where I share on the various topics of information that have been so impactful over the past year! The series is called ‘Break Free From Financial Deception’. It’s available by donation, so you can find out why I called it that, and how you can break free from the deception that’s been caused by the financial slavery the world has lived under for too long!

Here’s where you can connect with me and support my work:

Paypal Donations:

Telegram: and chat



Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter


Previous Training and Resource Site:

My (Sam’s) Contact Information:

Truth Destroys Lies

Break Free From Financial Deception

Have you heard the term ascension as it relates to a worldwide event called the Great Awakening?

Ascension is a rising up – in awareness (knowledge), hence the term ‘great awakening’. Knowledge is the catalyst that then triggers physiological shifts in your body as your head and heart come into a level of alignment that previously had to be reconciled with one or the other ‘winning out’ – ie. Either the emotions of the heart were appeased to bring a sensation of peace and joy, or the intellectual understanding of situations were the guide for pursuing peace and joy through rational analysis of circumstances and knowledge.

Religion, media, education and commerce have attempted to establish ideologies to fill the gap between heart and head with understandings of faith and the world we live in, and with spiritual and emotional experiences.

The process of ascension or awakening is different for everyone, but the concept is the same: some event triggers a revelation of knew knowledge. Revelation knowledge produces an understanding in your heart based on your previous knowledge and experiences.

When we are confronted with new knowledge we have a choice to accept, reject, or continue to process what we just learned.

In reality, we are always processing what we learn, and historical events and knowledge remain in memory regardless of whether they are top of mind at any given moment in time. This means that when we seek answers our past is a factor whether we realize it or not, in whether we choose to accept of reject what we learn based on how much the ego of our intellect, or conscious awareness of our heart ultimately processes the information.

I say this as an introduction, because whatever you call the events happening on the planet over the past couple years, there is no denying that changes are occurring based on information available, and what information is accepted and acted on.

Family and friends have been divided over information like never before – forgetting that for our whole lives we’ve had differences of opinions and still been able to communicate with the majority of people we meet at least on a cordial basis.

What happened?

The energetic connection between the head and heart is what happened.

Many people are bypassing their ego and intellect so new information can settle in their heart. This has brought about an opportunity for enlightenment (revelation) to occur. This has further made it possible for new ideas to enter their minds. New ideas bring further enlightenment which has simultaneously made it possible for many people to experience an energetic ascension as their mind and heart come into union.

What has been separated through religious beliefs and cultural conditioning has through new revelation, enabled previous limitations based on knowledge to be exposed so new possibilities can be expanded.

What this means, is that one enlightened revelation will physiologically make it possible for more revelation, which will continue to expand not just your thinking, but your body’s ability to receive knowledge through your heart from more than just your physical senses.

This happens because we have been taught to function in a material world where knowledge and our physical senses look to interpret the world literally. The exact opposite is to view the world intuitively through our ‘sixth sense’ which is how we connect energetically with the world around us.

My personal experience…

You may or may not have noticed that I went quiet a couple weeks ago.

For a couple months as my excitement grew, so did my physical energy, and along with it, a growing challenge of sitting in front of a computer.

I am extremely grateful and very excited for the amazing people I have met online, I have learned to do things with technology that I didn’t want to, or think I could do, but personally for many years I have pushed to work online, not been drawn into it as others are.

A couple weeks ago, I realized I could no longer push through with my intellect and rational mind to work online for hours at a time.

I love connecting person-to-person. I love being able to use technology to communicate and share. But, the time to prepare, format, file, follow-up, etc. at this particular time seems to be telling me to take a break. I have poured out for months on end to share the information that has given me such great hope and excitement for our future – our very near future!! It seems my sixth sense is telling me that my heart needs some refilling, it’s pulling me to be more physically active – something I have set aside for a long time as I continued to do my work online!

Breaking Free From Financial Deception

Once my eyes were open to the depth of lies, the categories of deception just kept coming. Each new layer revealed new knowledge, new truths, and with it new power, new hope, and new enthusiasm for life!

This chapter of my personal ‘awakening’ began with the etymology of the first 5 words of the book of Revelation, then to the etymology of Genesis 1:1.

My life was changed as I saw how the literalist historical interpretation we have lived with in our materialistic world was very different than the original symbolic, historical interpretation of the words written in any of the biblical languages and translations.

This opened the door to exploring history and quickly discovering how it has been twisted to portray the world in a way that has served a destructive agenda that has used a debt based monetary system, religion, language, and an elaborate corporate political structure to destroy almost everything good.

My new ‘Breaking Free From Financial Deception’ 12-part video series provides an introduction to the various topics that have been impactful in my journey. All the videos and corresponding slides are available online now. There is a huge breadth of information and insight presented in this series.

I believe I was able to discern so many categories of lies, in part because my alternative views and knowledge on finances told me right away that what we were experiencing at the beginning of 2020 was the end of the debt slave system and the beginning of a new era of financial freedom!

You can access the
Breaking Free From Financial Deception series here.

I plan to continue to blog and produce videos, host zooms, and share information online as I’m able, and as requested. I also plan to share more on the depth of revelation to continue to help others in a new book, I’ve been preparing to write for a while now.

In the meantime however, I am taking heed to my hearts desires and will be working with 2 long time friends to transition to whatever my soul has for me to complete in the days, weeks, months, years, and life ahead!

Dar Archie and I will be publishing my books for print and preparing to host a True Wealth Event live when the time is obvious!

I will be providing business and consulting for Heather Johns who will be incorporating the MoneyMinding Abundance training and coaching system into her financial business.

Both Heather and Dar have completed MoneyMinding training from me and we have become friends over the years so I am so thrilled how events and timing are lining up now for these open doors to multiply each of our passions and purposes in ways we have never previously imagined!

Stay tuned. I will share more as I’m able, and in the meantime, here’s the link to the Breaking Free From Financial Deception Series. And please make sure we’re connected on social media! See you soon!!

With much love always and all ways,

PS. The world is changing in incredible ways. We are experiencing the transition from what we thought was good, but was really based on lies, to a new world of good beyond anything we could previously imagine. This is possible as new information on what is true is shared and the false illusions can no longer oppress our power and authority as humans functioning as one with each other and all creation!

Also, if you’ve joined me on the 30-day plank challenge, I’m posting my progress on Instagram – it’s getting fun!! 2:30 minutes today FYI 🙂

Here’s where you can connect with me and support this work:

Paypal Donations:

Telegram: and chat group
Signal Group:
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter
Sam’s Youtube:


New ‘intel’ and revelation – get ready!

Today, I got an update from one of the financial projects I’ve been following. In this update, there was a ‘piece’ that presented itself in such a way that a whole bunch of other pieces became much clearer.

As the days, weeks, and months carry on, I have only grown stronger and stronger in my ‘knowing’ that the finances will be released to the people ‘soon’… for real this time – not like the years and years of waiting some of us have heard before!

This ‘knowing’ is increasing by the hour now!

I’m going to share the pieces to help you make decisions as we navigate this never before taken journey together!

As I do, I’m going to please ask you to lay aside EVERYTHING you currently have held true until this point. I’m can’t and won’t tell you what to believe. That’s all up to you. I’m asking you to open your head and heart in new ways so you have the best opportunity possible to be prepared to receive more than you ever thought possible!

We have only been taught to think and believe a certain way about money.

We’ve only known slave thinking – even people who have amassed millions.

The financial mindset has limited our collective capacity to receive and share the goodness we were created to experience.

This needs to change as we enter the new world.

You can have all the money available to you, but who taught financial management?

How many financial advisors do you know who are doing anything other promoting some kind of investment that will grow into more money with the changes we’re seeing now?

That’s not relevant in the new world!

All I can think of to say right now is, “we need to talk”.

I’ll prepare notes tomorrow – to be ready to share Friday and Saturday!

In preparation you can listen to the first 5 (I added another step again today if you’re following along), of the 12-step series on ‘Breaking Free From Financial Deception’. You can listen at where you can also download the PowerPoints.

Bring me all your ‘ya but’s’ because you might not see millions in your bank account at this very moment, but remember this…

God wins.

The battle has already been won.

We are the heirs to the Kingdom.

The time to receive our inheritance is now.

The time to have what has been stolen from us returned is now.

Do not be afraid. Be strong when you see gas prices out of this world. When you see empty store shelves. If your bank account is drained. If you’re out of work. If you’re out of credit. If you’ve been trying to find a safe place to keep money. If you’re trying to make decisions about buying or selling or locking in a mortgage.

Hold on – EVERYTHING is about to change!

Join me – we’re going talk about what’s going on beneath the narrative!

Friday, March 11th at 1:30pm PST we’ll have our first ‘True Wealth’ heart to heart, head-to-head about the money system!!

Please register for this Friday discussion here:

Saturday, March 12th at 10am PST we’ll carry on the conversation as well as answer questions and continue the discussion on Breaking Free From Financial Deception!

Get the link for Saturday’s at

Please share –

I’ve been saying for months now that we don’t need to have all the answers, but for the first time in over 30 years in and around finance, I know that this is the time we’ve been waiting for …

It is better than anything we could have ever asked or imagined.

It will be swift and sudden as we watch Babylon fall ‘in one hour’ (Revelation 18).

There will be much work to do.

It will be worth it.

It will be ok.

It will be better than ok.

I look forward to sharing details shortly!

With much love and abundance always and all ways!


PS – Doubtful? Good. Show up and let’s talk because you have a choice about how long you and others want to continue to wander in the wilderness – I’m ready for the promised land – how about you?

Download the True Wealth Event Book and Get the Details to Join the Experience at

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An Invitation to 1000x More

What does it really mean to believe everything and believe nothing at the same time? What happens when a lie leads to something you believed was truth?

What if there’s more to the story? What if uncovering lies and challenging truths and strongly held beliefs is the secret to connecting the invisible with the visible.

What if the veil of financial deception was way more than money?

What if true wealth is available now by unlocking the creative power to produce real value that’s been veiled in plain sight behind knowledge that’s shaped our perception of personal and corporate power and control?

Will you join me and others in this journey of discovering more hope, more peace, more joy, more possibilities and more love than anything we have previously thought possible?

Watch now on Rumble:

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Power Thoughts

We live in an energy grid, and we are part of that energy grid. In fact, our function within that energy grid is critical for the entire grid to function. It will either be increasing or decreasing in abundance depending on the flow of energy within the system. The way the system has worked for thousands of years was to transfer the currency from this energy system to a control system that had a purpose to harvest the energy and all the energy producing resources for their power. In order to do this, an elaborate system of deceit designed to mask the true value of our life has been used for destruction. Knowing how the system works gives us the opportunity to unlock our own power to use that currency to increase the power grid for our benefit.

Here’s the link to watch on Rumble now:

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Finding Hope

You don’t have to have all the answers, but at least having the topics to consider when looking at the world we live in is a good place to start – like starting a puzzle with the edge pieces.

The best place to start is to assume that everything is a lie – everything.

As you begin to look for answers, it’s much easier to ask questions if you’re looking for information to form a new foundation than to try to patch the old one. I say this because our cultural training has separated us with information that focuses on rational studies of the natural world.

Biblically, this is represented by the ‘Egyptian’ mindset: studying the natural in order to be like God. It’s logical conclusion is depletion which is in direct opposition to a mindset that studies creation in order to multiply the creation.

It’s the Babylonian ‘shadow government’ who has established the monetary system, political system, religious institutions, educational curriculum and medical systems – all using an elaborate system many call ‘corporatocracy’.

It doesn’t take much to realize how a system of private ownership that’s focused on profits and losses operating in a system of debt where insurance companies, banks and governments make rules that are interpreted by a legal system that is designed to support their system of debt.

The whole system is based on an illusion. This is how religion has been used to form belief systems where people learn to accept certain truths. Add to this an educational curriculum and bias towards intellectualism, scientism and learning what someone has deemed important in order to succeed to a set of standards that have been culturally determined by a sophisticated media communications platform of constant sorcery, the result is a seriously weakened power of our human mind. We have been conditioned so we would be limited in our creative power to produce real wealth so that we would settle for the idea that we could be free to live abundantly in a world designed on scarcity.  

I was asked to share more on the reasons for my hope so I started with one short message, then realized I didn’t mention anything about banking, then added some thoughts on the importance of positive energy.

Each of these 3 messages, has much more to discuss, as we see the last grasps of corporatocracy attempting to hold on to profits, manipulate markets with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, or other highly volatile crypto currencies.

What we can learn from a military operation called ‘Project Looking Glass’ and some other things we dismissed as ‘myths’ because that’s what the media machine told us, is that the more the corrupt system pushes to implement their plan of transhumanism and totalitarianism with a global population control agenda, the more people wake up to their scheme – and better – the more we wake up to who we are as men and women made in the likeness and image of the creator and source of EVERYTHING!

The power of our mind is reflected in the world around us, we just haven’t recognized it. The concept of language that has been twisted and used against us with 2 versions of the language chosen for ‘trade and commerce, English, is based on characters that were developed from symbols representing something in the natural.

The word alphabet is made up of 2 names for 2 types of energy waves found in the human brain – alpha and beta. I’m not a neuroscientist but it seems we have 5 types of brain waves that produce energy waves.

Everything we read, print, speak, hear, write is symbolic of something that has energy. That symbol is technology. The technology of language has been used against us because we have been separated from the source.

In the same way your phone needs to have its battery charged, or your car needs gas, and your body needs food and water, you run out of energy or don’t operate at peak capacity when your source of energy is depleted!

If you focus on good, you find good and good is strong and grows by multiplying more good to itself.

If you focus on what’s happening in the natural you will see the consequences of this destructive, deceptive system – but it’s already dead!

These 3 messages are some quick thoughts on some different ways of looking at the chaos we’re seeing around us as the old system collapses – it’s unnerving, but it’s necessary –

Get a glimpse of some of the incredible technologies that are awaiting for us, the overflow of abundance, and the freedom to pursue worthwhile goals and dreams without limitations of time or money – its coming – and it will be beyond anything any of us could have even ever thought possible – and it’s coming in our lifetime!! Wow!!

Be at peace, breathe and join me and others who are planning and preparing for world change!

Abundance always and all ways ~ Sam

Part 1 – Many Reasons to Look Beyond

Part 2 – Banking Returned to the People

Part 3 – Multiplying Positive Energy

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What Time is it Anyway?

It’s Time!!!

This week I had a last minute very strong urge to share a different message for the Sovereign Wealth Insights than I had planned.

We did still cover the practical question about what to do with cash – in particular should you pull money out of the bank now?

As I have repeatedly shared, every day I get more excited.

I try to be concerned.

It’s not that the circumstances are better or that there is a glaring neon light pointing in the direction we’re to go.
It’s the exact opposite.

Everyday is more an more chaotic and seemingly more like the ‘bad guys’ are winning and we’re about to enter global tyranny and totalitarianism.

In Canada, where I live, we are the second wealthiest nation on the planet in terms of our resources. We have enough fresh water to supply all 8 billion people. Yet we are the highest taxed industrialized nation and are running into water restrictions and increased costs for our resources – why?

Because we have been deceived!

What’s to be excited about this when the current puppet who’s been appointed by the globalists to lead this nation into their agenda, and the people into poverty and control? And many of your friends, families and neighbors have begun chiming in with the media narrative, that anyone who questions this situation must be a terrorist.

The land belongs to the people. According to God and according to International Courts – check out if you haven’t already. The world is not as we know it!

I shared some controversial topics on this recording – everything from religion, politics, education, history, science, medicine, …

It was a last-minute decision, spoken from my heart and memory so I put a page of links together that can be accessed on the recording page when you enter your email at and now that these topics have been opened – there is much more to share.

In the meantime, here’s the link to the video on Rumble.

This is a learned, cultural and intentional strategy perpetrated on humanity for the purposes of control. We are so much more powerful than we have been taught and lead to believe.

Thank you all for being so supportive – one of the hardest things is the resistance I’ve noticed some (many) people have to wanting to hear a positive message. It challenges our beliefs, and forces us to come face-to-face with our rational brain that wants to ‘know’ everything.

Many of us have experienced the resistance of family and friends when we have shared new information on the worldwide situation, this kind of revelation about about who we are and the lies we have believed is similar but different.

Challenging your beliefs about what you believe to be ‘true’ invokes a kind of, a survival-type response and a fear of losing control will tend to view new information as potentially dangerous if you ‘let your guard down’.

The exact opposite is true.

New revelation of faith, hope, love, and joy outside of religious, political and cultural norms carries more ‘weight’ in the invisible realm than we have been taught or seen in everyday life.

If you walk into a room where people are laughing, it’s hard to stay mad.

This is important because when you focus on good, you get good. If you focus on negative, you attract more negative.

I shared a lot of new topics and ideas during the meeting, that I hope will ignite more hope with a curiosity to look further so together we can continue to multiply the positive energy, positive news, and see even more positive results than we can imagine based on what we’ve seen to date, and to see them sooner than later!!

With much love and abundance always and all ways,

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Recognizing Financial Lies

In our quest for answers for dealing with day-to-day life given the current state of the world, we have to remember that finances have been and continue to fuel the corruption, lies, and deceit.

In biblical terms, the people left Egypt during the exodus with the wealth; they were free but still spent a generation in the wilderness because slave thinking, and a scarcity minded view of wealth had to be removed from their lives.

The wealth was theirs the whole time, yet they wandered around living in tents, wearing the same clothes, and eating the same manna everyday.

We are seeing the theft of our finances and freedoms in plain sight now.

The problem is there are people who will take advantage of the vulnerabilities everyone is experiencing.

This week on Sovereign Wealth Insights Sam is joined by Darlene Archibald to dust off 13 emotional and practical ‘clues’ to help identify potentially misleading financial information – whether it’s from an outright scam, or unscrupulous, biased, or misinformed professional advice!

Watch here on Rumble:

Access the PDF of the 13 points discussed in the video when you enter your email at where you’ll find all the recordings and additional resources discussed on our live Sovereign Wealth Insights calls.

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