What Time is it Anyway?

It’s Time!!!

This week I had a last minute very strong urge to share a different message for the Sovereign Wealth Insights than I had planned.

We did still cover the practical question about what to do with cash – in particular should you pull money out of the bank now?

As I have repeatedly shared, every day I get more excited.

I try to be concerned.

It’s not that the circumstances are better or that there is a glaring neon light pointing in the direction we’re to go.
It’s the exact opposite.

Everyday is more an more chaotic and seemingly more like the ‘bad guys’ are winning and we’re about to enter global tyranny and totalitarianism.

In Canada, where I live, we are the second wealthiest nation on the planet in terms of our resources. We have enough fresh water to supply all 8 billion people. Yet we are the highest taxed industrialized nation and are running into water restrictions and increased costs for our resources – why?

Because we have been deceived!

What’s to be excited about this when the current puppet who’s been appointed by the globalists to lead this nation into their agenda, and the people into poverty and control? And many of your friends, families and neighbors have begun chiming in with the media narrative, that anyone who questions this situation must be a terrorist.

The land belongs to the people. According to God and according to International Courts – check out www.PeoplesoftheSalmon.net if you haven’t already. The world is not as we know it!

I shared some controversial topics on this recording – everything from religion, politics, education, history, science, medicine, …

It was a last-minute decision, spoken from my heart and memory so I put a page of links together that can be accessed on the recording page when you enter your email at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com and now that these topics have been opened – there is much more to share.

In the meantime, here’s the link to the video on Rumble.

This is a learned, cultural and intentional strategy perpetrated on humanity for the purposes of control. We are so much more powerful than we have been taught and lead to believe.

Thank you all for being so supportive – one of the hardest things is the resistance I’ve noticed some (many) people have to wanting to hear a positive message. It challenges our beliefs, and forces us to come face-to-face with our rational brain that wants to ‘know’ everything.

Many of us have experienced the resistance of family and friends when we have shared new information on the worldwide situation, this kind of revelation about about who we are and the lies we have believed is similar but different.

Challenging your beliefs about what you believe to be ‘true’ invokes a kind of, a survival-type response and a fear of losing control will tend to view new information as potentially dangerous if you ‘let your guard down’.

The exact opposite is true.

New revelation of faith, hope, love, and joy outside of religious, political and cultural norms carries more ‘weight’ in the invisible realm than we have been taught or seen in everyday life.

If you walk into a room where people are laughing, it’s hard to stay mad.

This is important because when you focus on good, you get good. If you focus on negative, you attract more negative.

I shared a lot of new topics and ideas during the meeting, that I hope will ignite more hope with a curiosity to look further so together we can continue to multiply the positive energy, positive news, and see even more positive results than we can imagine based on what we’ve seen to date, and to see them sooner than later!!

With much love and abundance always and all ways,

Here’s where you can follow me and support my work:

Support my work here: https://paypal.me/TPiercy
Telegram: https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom and https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter https://rumble.com/c/c-985873 and SovereignWealthAlliance https://rumble.com/c/c-1131764
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw
Blog: www.RestoredHopeToday.com
Training and Books: www.moneyminding.com
Also at: www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com
SovereignWealthAlliance Telegram: https://t.me/SovereignWealthAlliance
SovereignWealthAlliance Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-985873

Recognizing Financial Lies

In our quest for answers for dealing with day-to-day life given the current state of the world, we have to remember that finances have been and continue to fuel the corruption, lies, and deceit.

In biblical terms, the people left Egypt during the exodus with the wealth; they were free but still spent a generation in the wilderness because slave thinking, and a scarcity minded view of wealth had to be removed from their lives.

The wealth was theirs the whole time, yet they wandered around living in tents, wearing the same clothes, and eating the same manna everyday.

We are seeing the theft of our finances and freedoms in plain sight now.

The problem is there are people who will take advantage of the vulnerabilities everyone is experiencing.

This week on Sovereign Wealth Insights Sam is joined by Darlene Archibald to dust off 13 emotional and practical ‘clues’ to help identify potentially misleading financial information – whether it’s from an outright scam, or unscrupulous, biased, or misinformed professional advice!

Watch here on Rumble: https://rumble.com/vv7g5k-how-to-spot-financial-lies.html

Access the PDF of the 13 points discussed in the video when you enter your email at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com where you’ll find all the recordings and additional resources discussed on our live Sovereign Wealth Insights calls.

Here’s where you can follow me and support my work:

Support my work here: https://paypal.me/TPiercy

Telegram: https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom  and https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy

Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter  https://rumble.com/c/c-985873

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw

Blog: www.RestoredHopeToday.com

Training and Books: www.moneyminding.com

Also at: www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com

SovereignWealthAlliance Telegram: https://t.me/SovereignWealthAlliance

SovereignWealthAlliance Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-985873

A Fresh Look at the Markets

Follow up from Sovereign Wealth Insights Saturday, February 5th, 2022

The financial markets are much like gambling in many ways right now.

The question about whether there will be a big crash, or continued upward movement is an ongoing discussion – a going concern we all have to be aware of.

It’s pretty common knowledge now among the ‘freedom’ movement that the worldwide controllers and central bankers have fuelled and funded both sides of wars to achieve their desired outcomes – total control of everything on earth – EVERYTHING!

It’s easier today to see how far they’ve come. The ‘black hats’ and ‘white hats’ both pummeling out information that brings fear and complacency to their audience. This creates a sense of helplessness and opens the door for ‘a saviour’ – whether that’s a spiritual saviour, a medical ‘treatment’, a trusted source, leader, or financial windfall.

We have been following these plans for a looooonnnnnggggg time…

What’s real?

Who can you trust?

What can you do?

These are some of the topics we discussed and will continue to discuss as we transition out of slavery, deception and political manipulation toa completely transformed world like none of us have ever imagined.

The one constant is that we have been lied to.

The big truth is that love, peace, joy, hope, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and faithfulness to connect with each other and the beautiful creation we have been given to take care of and enjoy is crying out – and drowning the fear, angry, controlling and evil manipulation.

Here’s the link to the recording on Rumble: https://rumble.com/vufuli-a-fresh-look-at-the-markets-true-and-false.html

Plus, there’s additional resources on the ‘archives and recordings’ page when you enter your email at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com.


March 31st – April 4th The True Wealth Event to Unlock the Power to Create Real Value

This will be a live, online immersion program to not just talk about finances, not just make a plan, not just to learn sovereign wealth thinking and strategies, but all that – plus connections with other purposeful world-changers – and a hands on challenge to work together to generate some real money during the event – and a follow up plan to double your investment in the event – with guaranteed results!!

It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work! In 2006, 7, and 8 I ran live events to give an experience of the 12-step MoneyMinding system. Lives were changed and millionaires were made from these week-long events. If you know my story, you know that these were cut short by some unscrupulous ‘consultants’.

Looking back, it seems that what we did then was in many ways ahead of it’s time –

But it’s time now…

Save the dates, more info coming!

We’re going to experience immeasurably more than anything any of us who were around back then could have ever imagined!!

See you soon!!

Much love and abundance always and all ways,


Insider Secrets for Recognizing Financial Lies

Hello [First Name],

In our quest for answers for dealing with day-to-day life given the current state of the world, we have to remember that finances have been, and continue to fuel the corruption, lies, and deceit.

In biblical terms, the people left Egypt during the exodus with the wealth; they were free but still spent a generation in the wilderness because of a dependent slave mentality, and a scarcity minded view of wealth that had to be removed from their lives.

The wealth was theirs the whole time, yet they wandered in circles, around living in tents, wearing the same clothes, and eating the same manna everyday for an entire generation!!

We can see the theft of our finances and freedoms in plain sight right now.

The problem is, many people have a hard time believing it, and there are people who will take advantage of the vulnerabilities that exist everywhere in this rapidly changing economic reality. 

I’ve been taken advantage of financially.

I know many others who have also.

Have you?

Something many people don’t know is that before I became a victim of financial deceit I had been contracted by the Securities Commission to develop a program on ‘investigate before you invest’. Some of the content from that program is still in use today!

How did I get taken advantage of then, is a question  people ask?

Let me tell you… there’s a lot more to making financial decisions than simply knowing the information…

After the fraudulent attempt was discovered, I could see things that hadn’t made sense before, but in light of the truth, painted a different picture. I initially began documenting some more indepth insights on the emotional and psychological clues that I gleaned from hindsight.

Will knowing this guarantee we won’t be taken advantage of or make a wrong choice again?

I hope it will help.

Will it guarantee it?

Likely not.

But, it should help make sure you don’t lose more than you can afford to.

The information madness is seemingly reaching all time chaos today: yes – no – yes – no –

How do you know who to trust and what to do? This has been the theme of some of our Sovereign Wealth Insights before…

… but this week, I’m going to open these 13 tips and share them…

I’m joined by Darlene Archibald who’s known me before and after the fraud that almost took my life!

We are going to look at what happens and what we can do to support each other in light of ongoing scams, and a whole new manner of financially related information!

Saturday, February 12th at 10am – 11:30(ish) PST

‘Insider Secrets to Recognizing Financial Lies’

Get the link when you sign up for Sovereign Wealth Insights at: www.sovereignwealthalliance.com so we know who’s joining us, we can follow up, and they can access the additional resources and archives!

See you then!!

In the meantime… be encouraged – the energy of freedom is tangible and together we triumph!!

Abundance always and all ways,

Here’s where you can follow me and support my work:
Support my work here: https://paypal.me/TPiercy
Telegram: https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom and https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter https://rumble.com/c/c-985873
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw
Blog: www.RestoredHopeToday.com
Training and Books: www.moneyminding.com
Also at: www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com
SovereignWealthAlliance Telegram: https://t.me/SovereignWealthAlliance
SovereignWealthAlliance Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-985873

Wealth Breakthroughs in 2022

We hosted our first Sovereign Wealth Insights of 2022 on Saturday January 8th

We ended up having another longer discussion than planned this past week because we had some great discussion. It was emotional at times as we considered the lies we’ve lived with and the big question we all have, but don’t really know how to ask, “what to do”?

Said another way, it’s “How do we navigate the financial details of life in the current circumstances?”


Seriously, how do we know what to do?

What if we’re wrong?

What if we lose everything?

How will we live?

Where do we get answers?

Who really knows what’s going to happen?

What can we do?

Here’s the link to watch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/vsbn2u-wealth-breakthroughs-in-2022.html

You can get the link to the list of debts and taxes we discussed as well as the link to our core slides and images for Sovereign Wealth Insights when you enter your email at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com. You’ll also find Adrian’s extensive archive of research and resources that’s the most comprehensive place we can suggest to get background information on some of our discussion topics.

Below are links and resources to additional information we touched on in our discussion as well. And, make sure you’re following us on Telegram and Signal as well!!

Here’s where you can connect with us and support our work:
https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom and https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters
Signal Group: https://signal.group/#CjQKIMFyJ6Ycs8y6VJdN2-smMNF_pujDnrNo_rbN34idg7EXEhCOH9TJwEmcC9X5YnfsFiV4
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy and https://www.facebook.com/aspitters
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter https://rumble.com/c/c-985873
SovereignWealthAlliance https://rumble.com/c/c-1131764
Sam’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw
Sam’s Blog: www.RestoredHopeToday.com
Paypal Donations: https://paypal.me/TPiercy






Questions. Questions. Questions.

It’s Never About the Money – Except it is…

We began our discussion this week on our Sovereign Wealth Insights zoom with a tearful question that was simply, ‘how?’

How do we shift our thinking?

How do we make decisions and manage money to steer clear of deception that takes our power and is using it against us?

How do we know what to do?

And where do we start?

I guess the cliché answer is faith and trust’.

But, having been there, done that, bought a bunch of t-shirts, both Adrian and myself will tell you that one of the hardest things after realizing that the financial system had taught us to do something that was mathematically impossible, feeding fear doubt and lack, and most recently actually fueling the corporate debt slave system, was to face that ‘how’ question.

We have been taught to think only one way about finances.

The idea that there might be another way to look at finance brought us blank stares – a total block, stuck behind a simple word, ‘how’.

We can both tell you now, that being willing to ask, then being courageous enough to look past all we’ve ever known about how the world works, and the economics that drives it, does in itself require supernatural strength.

When you follow that thinking through, you actually do come to the place where you have a decision – it’s a ‘Red Sea’ moment when you can look around and realize that a lot of what we thought was real, isn’t, but not really sure what is real. The Exodus account of walking through the sea on dry land represents the truth.

The truth is that much of what we thought was real is actually a lie.

The truth is that from Genesis to Revelation; from birth to death, economics (financial control) has been the tool the enemy has used to steal, kill and destroy the abundant life we were deceived into thinking we had, or could have.

The truth is that none of us have ever walked this journey before.

The truth is that we prosper together and that prosperity includes financial abundance and a whole lot more!

The truth is there is a whole lot more for us to learn and experience together!

The truth is, mankind and all creation is undergoing a dramatic shift where all lies are being exposed. Once a lie is exposed it no longer exists, meaning that we are experiencing the death of deception; the end of evil, and the beginning of immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

Here’s the link to watch on Rumble now: https://rumble.com/vqns66-questions.-questions.-questions.-sovereign-wealth-insights-december-11-2021.html

Please sign up at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com to access the additional resources we discussed and to find out more about our upcoming events to build and strengthen communities for unlimited prosperity!

Christmas Abundance  https://sampiercycom.ontraport.com/tl/275

Stellar Summary: https://sampiercycom.ontraport.com/tl/273

Nesara/Gesara Summaries: https://sampiercycom.ontraport.com/tl/247

Core Slides: https://sampiercycom.ontraport.com/tl/258

Thursday Sovereign Community Discussion zoom – get the link when you click the starburst ‘SPECIAL EVENT’ button at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com

Here’s where you can connect with us and support this work – Thank you!
https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom and https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters
Signal Group: https://signal.group/#CjQKIMFyJ6Ycs8y6VJdN2-smMNF_pujDnrNo_rbN34idg7EXEhCOH9TJwEmcC9X5YnfsFiV4
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy and https://www.facebook.com/aspitters
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter https://rumble.com/c/c-985873
SovereignWealthAlliance https://rumble.com/c/c-1131764
Sam’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw
Paypal Donations: https://paypal.me/TPiercy

Sovereign Wealth Insights Open Discussion for Saturday, December 11th 10am PST

A story I tell often is how I 1st really knew that the financial world I was trained in and worked in was somehow not working was my multi-millionaire client who seriously worried about his money so much that it kinda forced me into looking at ways to help him. He was such a nice man, yet nothing I said or did, or anything anyone else said or did seemed to help him realize that he had more than enough money to live the lifestyle he had with plenty left over for his children’s children.

I also don’t tell the story often enough of the time I was hired to teach a b-b-billionaire budgeting!  Yep. Basic budgeting for someone who’s family held controlling interest in a fortune 500 company. I was hired to teach her and her children how to manage their day-to-day finances.

I’ve also been directly and personally involved in the polar opposite to that abundant lifestyle – kids, street youth, recovering addicts, welfare moms, and people who have lost everything…

It’s not about the money.

If time and money was no issue, what would you do with your life?

Would you like to join me and others in preparing a 100 year plan?

What emotion does the idea of a 100 year plan trigger for you?

This Saturday’s Sovereign Wealth Insights zoom meeting is a platform for open dialogue about any kind of money topic.

We’re going to open the ‘floor’ and we’re gonna talk…

Fears. Hopes. Dreams.

Credit. Crypto. CRA (that’s Canada’s tax department if you’re not Canadian).

No topic is off limits.

Let’s talk about savings (or not); insurance (or not); debt (or not); investments (or not); working (or not)….

What’s on your mind?
Does uncertainty occupy your thoughts? Or are you full of optimism and enthusiasm?

Are you confident in your financial future, or does ‘the great reset’ seem imminent and you’re wondering how you’ll survive?

Regardless, you might just want to listen to questions and issues and topics you didn’t even know existed – it’s all good. You’re not going to be put on the spot and forced to reveal personal or private info… just come with an open mind and heart – and perhaps a willingness to help someone else with some ideas, direction, support, connections or solutions!!

This Saturday, December 11, 2021 at 10am PST

We’re going to explore the good, bad, amazing and ugly of money and it’s impact on our lives – individually and collectively!

All the questions or topics you wanted to discuss, but didn’t know how or where or with whom… bring them with you and we’ll even create a way for you to participate in a pseudo anonymous way… although we want to be able to break down barriers and perceived walls of intimidation to open opportunities that might not have been obvious, but have been available in plain sight the whole time…so we’d love if you can join with video and audio if possible!

Let’s make this a day of preparing to leave the world of managing lack to stepping into the new world of managing overflow?

Are you ready to help others do the same?

Or does this just sound like crazy talk?

Curious? Great.

We look forward to sharing more and seeing you on Saturday morning!

Enter your email at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com to join us!

Many Blessings,
Sam and Adrian (our guest host, financial researcher and author)

Here’s how you can connect with us and support our work. Please remember to LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, AND FOLLOW!


Sovereign Wealth Alliance



Sam Piercy

You can support this work here:

Finances that Only Increase: Sovereign Wealth Insights on Financing Land and Property

Links from Saturday, December 4th

The concept of what we discussed this week – finances only increasing will challenge your thinking. It’s the financial opposite of much of what we’ve been taught and experienced in life where the political and religious systems have taken control of the finances, the legal system, education, medicine, media, entertainment, all by having financial control.

We began unbundling this theme during our discussion about life insurance (you can access that episode when you login in at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com). You can also access the supporting powerpoint for this week’s call there as well.

During our discussion on insurance, we introduced the idea about how we can learn to use the same concepts that have been used to fuel the corporate debt, to build a bridge between that slave system of economic control, and a sovereign system of economic freedom.

This week we introduced a concept that combines several simple financial systems to create an ‘ecosystem’ of increasing real wealth that will continuously build purchasing power, and that rewards members in the resulting community for adding value to others.

We will be diving deeper into this concept for financing sovereign communities, as well as inviting people to join us as founding members, partners and directors in the days ahead.

In the meantime, we continue be increasingly optimistic that the breakthrough in the world’s financial system is imminent and look forward to continuing this journey towards healing and rebuilding with you all!

It truly is a great honour to be connected to such purposeful and passionate sovereigns!

Here’s the link to the recording on Rumble: https://rumble.com/vqbyye-finances-that-always-increase-financing-land-and-property.html

Here’s where you can follow me and support my work:
Support my work here: https://paypal.me/TPiercy
Telegram: https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom and https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter https://rumble.com/c/c-985873
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw
Blog: www.RestoredHopeToday.com
Training and Books: www.moneyminding.com
Also at: www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com

Sovereign Wealth Insights on Land and Property

In our discussion this week, we lay the foundation for buying, owning and investing in land. The powerpoint is available here: https://sampiercycom.ontraport.com/tl/267

Adrian presented some details on land related market indicators and we closed out the discussion with a Q and A about whether it’s a good time to sell and wait for a correction, and issues about accessing equity in land for diversification.

Next week we’re going to continue this conversation and explore land and property financing options. This will be of interest to anyone who currently owns property(s), or anyone considering buying land or property and not sure where the money will come from.

Here’s the link to watch now on Rumble: https://rumble.com/vpzmsy-land-and-property-sovereign-wealth-insights.html

You can also access the zoom chat and previous referenced recordings and resources when you enter your email at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com

Here’s where you can connect with us and support our work:
https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom and https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters
Signal Group: https://signal.group/#CjQKIMFyJ6Ycs8y6VJdN2-smMNF_pujDnrNo_rbN34idg7EXEhCOH9TJwEmcC9X5YnfsFiV4
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy and https://www.facebook.com/aspitters
Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter https://rumble.com/c/c-985873
SovereignWealthAlliance https://rumble.com/c/c-1131764
Sam’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw
Paypal Donations: https://paypal.me/TPiercy

Why an Evergrande Crash is a Good Sign

Here is the link to the recording from our Sovereign Wealth Insights Zoom on November 20, 2021

The news about the Evergrande Company in China is as ever-changing and flip-flopping as much of the news of the day. It doesn’t matter whether it’s mainstream news, or the personal news channels, the information is constantly conflicting and changing.

We started the Saturday Zoom chats so we provide an educational platform to help people make financial decisions during this time of economic transition.

As the days, weeks and months go by, people are weary and there doesn’t seem to be a word that simultaneously describes being terrified and excited with no neutral ground, but that’s the place we’re in. The terrifying part, is the unknown process of getting to the beautiful future (think promised land) that awaits us when the current financial system that has enslaved humanity with corporate politics and maritime law is removed – obliterated, along with all the evil and corruption that it has produced.

It any of this is new to you, then please go back and listen to the recordings from these Sovereign Wealth Insight discussions.

This week, we looked further at what a system that multiplication of good, vs debt can look like.

Here’s the link on Rumble and a link to the powerpoint here: https://rumble.com/vpmocq-why-an-evergrande-crash-is-a-good-sign.html

You can also access the zoom chat and other resources when you enter your email at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com.

The link to the original interview on Librti Talk Canada with Odessa Orlewicz on the Evergrande debacle and what we can glean from the news can be watched here as well.

You can watch that video here: https://www.librti.com/page/view-video?id=1141

Here’s the Link to the PowerPoint   https://sampiercycom.ontraport.com/tl/265

You can also access additional resources when you subscribe at www.SovereignWealthAlliance.com

Plus, make sure you’re following along during the week on Telegram where we’re most active and you can ask questions and comment.


Here’s where you can connect with us and support our work:


https://t.me/FaithfulFreedom and https://t.me/FaithfulFreedomFighters



Signal Group:  https://signal.group/#CjQKIMFyJ6Ycs8y6VJdN2-smMNF_pujDnrNo_rbN34idg7EXEhCOH9TJwEmcC9X5YnfsFiV4

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/samtpiercy and https://www.facebook.com/aspitters

Rumble: FaithfulFreedomFighter  https://rumble.com/c/c-985873

SovereignWealthAlliance   https://rumble.com/c/c-1131764

Sam’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjeA367TMM5w5vnOSnHATw

Paypal Donations: https://paypal.me/TPiercy